WinDev,WebDev和WinDev Mobile是用于构建Windows应用程序,智能手机和Web应用程序的三种功能强大的软件。这三个程序的布局相似,可以在短时间内轻松实现。WINDEV套件是用于Windows应用程序开发的通用IDE,它使用多种技术来运行多种Windows,Linux,.NET,Java等。本系列的另一个应用程序WEBDEV是用于设计和开发网站和Web应用程序的综合环境,使用该软件可以轻松地基于HTML5,CSS3等最新技术来设计网站。此计划中设计的网站将具有响应性或响应性,并且在从电话到大页面的所有页面上都将看起来不错。该系列中的最新软件是WINDEV MOBILE,它使开发人员可以无限制地为Android智能手机和平板电脑,iOS,Windows 10 Mobile,Windows CE等创建大型和小型应用程序。 。这些应用程序可用于各种数据库,传感器,手机,条形码等,并提供智能和创造性的应用程序。WinDev,WebDev和WinDev Mobile是PC SOFT提供的一套高效软件。由于公司专门针对非专业用户,因此一直致力于保持其产品的简便性。PC SOFT试图通过考虑客户在新版本中的反馈以及添加新功能并修复以前的问题来使客户满意。
安装指南在Crack文件夹的自述文件中列出。 购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。
关于激活 By double clicking on "01_Certificate.exe", you acknowledge Millenium Software as certification authority.
This step is optional, but it guarantees the authenticity of WxAlive.
News :- 1.3 : - Detection of non-compatible WX x64 versions,
- Personalization of the list of drivers to be purged,
- New AES128 encryption for dumps,
- Sentinel HASP/LDK 7.60 support,
- 1.2 : WX23 theoretical support,
- 1.1 : WX22 7X compatibility.
2. I started by installing WINDEV 23;
3. I started by installing the certificate as follows:
a) right cick on the certificate file and then in the properties menu, then on the tab: digital signatures, then on Millenium software, then on the details button, then on the Show Certificate button, then on Install Certificate, then on Local Computer, next, and then Place all certificates in the following store: Browse and then: Root and OK certification authorities.
4. I started the installation of 02_WxAlive.exe
5. Preparation In the Drivers list select: FEKBBUS
6. After restart run WXALIVE to install the emulator;
7. Import DUMP 23 (during this operation cut off the Internet because it leaves to look for the driver update: Sentinel HASP Key and Sentinel USB Key to the Internet and the version that will be installed via Internet will be incompatible with the DUMP 23 )
8. START your WINDEV 23 and enjoy.