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[行业软件]Four Pillars & Feng Shui v4.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-12-06 11:58:06 , 编辑

Four Pillars & Feng Shui is the leading software package for professional Feng Shui consultants, Chinese astrologers, and researchers. The program is easy to use and also a great learning tool for beginners in the field. FP & FS 4.2 is your complete Chinese metaphysics laboratory. The software consists of four complete programs for Feng Shui, Four Pillars (Ba Zi), Nine Star Ki and I Ching. New in version 4.2 is a program for the Wen Wang Gua divination method in the I Ching.

In the Feng Shui program you can:

  • Calculate the Flying Stars charts, with the option to use replacement stars if needed.
  • Watch the yearly, monthly, daily and hourly visiting stars fly through the palaces.
  • Consult the database with interpretation texts about the Stars, Star combinations, and their cures.
  • Find the exact center of any shape building.
  • Draw floorplans, or import floorplans from scanner or graphics file.
  • Produce a professional printout with the star combinations drawn in over the floorplan of your choice.
  • Save your charts in a bitmap file and attach them to email, etc.
The Four Pillars program includes:

  • Calculation of Four Pillars charts for any date between 3000 BC and 3000 AD (using Swiss Ephemeris for up to the minute precision).
  • Automatic correction to true local time (= Solar time)
  • Automatic correction for "Equation of Time". This results in the most accurate 4P chart calculation one can do.
  • Calculation of Day Master strength.
  • Suggested chart type if there is a potential "special life"
  • Easy to use analysis module showing the Clashes and Combinations, and the Symbolic Stars (Shen Sha).
  • Quickly spot the potential ups and downs in a life, using the special "Luck Graphs".
  • Timeliness of the elements, and Void branches.
  • Browse the 10 year luck periods and the yearly, monthly and daily luck.
  • Interpret the chart with the editable interpretation texts that give information about the Stems and Branch and their combinations.
  • Professional print out showing all Luck Pillars and Day Master strength.
  • In built Atlas with coordinates and standard timezones for 60000 places.
  • Text output utility to easily share your charts on internet groups or copy/paste into any other written work.
In the Nine Star Ki program you have:

  • Calculate and interpret the Nine Star Ki charts for any date between 3000 BC and 3000 AD (using Swiss Ephemeris for up to the minute precision).
  • Track the yearly, monthly, daily and hourly flying stars and make accurate predictions.
  • Consult the editable database with information about the Nine Stars and their combinations.
  • Create Directionology maps showing the favourable and unfavourable directions.
  • 180 country and regio maps are available. Also new topographic maps and satellite images.
  • 4 different Day Star formulas to choose from.
  • Printout showing the Stars and/or Directionology map.
In the I Ching program you can:

  • Consult the I Ching using 6 different methods, including a new Date/Time based method and "Visual I Ching".
  • Study the I Ching texts and line comments by Wilhelm or Legge.
  • Use the Wen Wang Gua interpretation method.
  • Save your own comments in the editable database.
  • Cast hexagrams directly by clicking on world maps, stock charts, photograps,... in the special "Visual I Ching" module.
  • Text output utility to easily share your divination on internet groups or copy/paste into any other written work.



2、默认:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Four Pillars Feng Shui"


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