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[行业软件]Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020   含注册机 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2019-12-11 07:30:19

Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020 | 760.4 mb

The Autodesk products team is pleased to announce the availability of MotionBuilder 2020. This release provides updates that help animators be more efficient and productive so they can spend more time on the creative.

MotionBuilder 2020 Release Notes:

These release notes describe known limitations, issues, and fixes in Autodesk MotionBuilder. This release includes an improved story tool, new bookmarks in the Schematic view, and support for basic arithmetic operations. There's a new option to toggle manipulators during playback, and several updates to the SDK.

New Features and Enhancements

Improved playback
- Toggle manipulator visibility: You can now turn on the new Display > Hide Manipulators during Playback option to remove all manipulator elements during scene playback, providing you with a cleaner viewing experience.
- Render scenes using MP4: MP4 is now an Output Format in the Render window.

Bookmarks in the Schematic view
New bookmarks in the Schematic view let you quickly jump from one region of the schematic to another, eliminating the need to manually search for nodes. Bookmarks save the x and y position of the existing nodes, the expanded or collapsed state of the nodes, and the width, height, and zoom factor used by the Schematic view.

Lock story clips
You can now lock story clips using the new In/Out Locked property. Locking a clip prevents animators from accidentally moving or retiming a clip, and avoids subsequent issues that can arise later in the animation pipeline.

New custom Frame Rate support
The frame rate 119.88 is now supported. This is a standard used for UHDTV and many cameras.

Unlimited undo levels
A new Undo preference (Settings > Preferences > Undo) lets you set an infinite undo queue.

Support for arithmetic operations
Numeric and timecode fields now support basic arithmetic operations. For more information on specific operators.

Modify a single axis using a delta numerical value
Simply double-click a translation arrow, rotation ring, or scaling handle, and enter a value to precisely transform the object.

Resize Add/Remove Namespace window
The Add/Remove Namespace window now easily accommodates long namespaces. The window's default size is larger than in previous releases, and it can now be resized.

MotionBuilder 2020 What's Fixed and Known Issues

Crash with FBCharacterExtension.GetCharacter when an Extension is not attached to a character MOBU-10956
Relation Constraint: Crash with local transformation MOBU-10958
Scene using a Spline IK constraint does not load properly MOBU-10939
Update the Documentation on the expected results for the Accurate Transparency Option MOBU-11015
FCurve: Crash after resetting all curve colors MOBU-10954
The Plotting process does not "Plot On Frames" with floating-point FPS MOBU-10947
File I/O
Crash when exporting in ASF format MOBU-10193
AMC/ASF files can crash on Import and Export MOBU-10897
Running Motionbuilder in a directory that has Perforce config file can cause MotionBuilder to hang MOBU-10867
MB (preferences folder) can not be written to a Redirected Folder on a share and crashes MOBU-10926
Opening a new default scene after some specific scenes (were already loaded) can cause MotionBuilder to crash MOBU-10938
Fixed a crash caused by a racing condition when the scene files are opened MOBU-10801
Opening an FBX file by dragging-and-dropping does not load the cameras anymore MOBU-10944
The \config\PythonStartup folder is not created by default MOBU-10997
Perforce: Merge a scene changes the current project name MOBU-10943
MotionBuilder 2018/2019 will not launch (AMD Ryzen Threadripper 2990WX (32 cores)/GeForce RTX2070) MOBU-10891
Pose Controls
Pose Thumbnails fail to save in the scene file MOBU-10924
Python, ORSDK
Crash after using Python calls within an AnimationNodeNotify callback MOBU-10953
Python: FBPlug.SetStatusFlag/GetStatusFlag is missing MOBU-10950
Adding missing Qt image format libraries MOBU-11033
SDK: Crash when deleting a namespace MOBU-10957
SDK: Crash when using the FBPlayerControl.OnChange event property MOBU-10955
Story Tool: Collapsing Folders resets the "Accept Keys" track property MOBU-10941
Transport Controls/Viewer/Navigator
Translating a handle in local space is broken MOBU-10945
Trajectories are no longer displaying in All Panes MOBU-10940
Translating the "child object" of an "fk object" in local/parent reference mode is broken MOBU-10951
Story: Some Story Tool icons were not displayed properly in the menu MOBU-10949
Tear-off windows in Custom Layouts do not redraw when changing layouts MOBU-10921
Unable to input the "frame number" because the box is locked MOBU-10962
Saved Layout makes the "Python FBX Export" window disappear MOBU-10925
Custom Layout edits are no longer saved MOBU-10948
"Key at Time" causes the "start and endframes" boxes to be locked MOBU-10872
Add support for "ICO" bitmap image files in MotionBuilder to ensure legacy image files display correctly MOBU-10918

Known Issues

Scene file opens with "camera" instead of default "producer perspective" with Drag-And-Drop
Workaround: FBX file defines the DefaultCamera as being "Camera". MotionBuilder 2020 is now correctly using the DefaultCamera set in the file. MOBU-11023
Note: The drag-and-drop options are not set the same way in 2019 vs 2020.
2019: All the system settings are off
2020: All the system settings are on
CentOS : MotionBuilder requires missing system library (libXScrnSaver)
Workaround: Manually install the packages. You don't need to include the versions of the packages, just the names. These are system packages:
sudo yum install libXScrnSaver
libXss.so.1 from package libXScrnSaver
File I/O
MotionBuilder "Send to Maya" on Linux is broken (synergy file)
Workaround: Remove the MotionBuilder2020.2020.0.64.syncfg dir in Synergy folder (/opt/Autodesk/Synergy). Replace it with a MotionBuilder2020.2020.0.64.syncfg file. That file will need to have the install path of MotionBuilder. MOBU-11044
MotionBuilder on Linux may not work with serial numbers the first time. Subsequent launches work as expected
Workaround: Try re-launching the application or de-registering/re-registering MotionBuilder with AdskLicensingInstHelper to correct behavior. MOBU-11034
Profiling Center: GPU Skinning toggle does not work with older Nvidia drivers
Workaround: Update to a newer Nvidia driver MOBU-10933

Autodesk MotionBuilder is the industry-leading, real-time 3D character animation software for games, feature films, and television productions. It is designed to complement Autodesk Maya and Autodesk 3ds Max, as well as other Autodesk DirectConnect applications that support the Autodesk FBX file format.

With its core focus on interactive real-time workflows, MotionBuilder enables creative and technical artists to take on demanding, animation-intensive projects. It is a professional package designed for 3D data acquisition, manipulation, and visualization, which makes it not only an animation productivity solution, but a tool that drives the iterative process of creativity.

MotionBuilder is available for Windows and Linux operating systems. It natively supports the platform-independent Autodesk FBX 3D data interchange solution allowing integration with applications that support FBX in a production pipeline. In addition to powerful animation features and an intuitive interface, MotionBuilder also includes dedicated tools for creating cameras, lights, shading, cartoon rendering, textures, shadows, and constraints.

Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk MotionBuilder
Version: 2020
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.autodesk.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 760.4 mb

* System Requirements:

Autodesk MotionBuilder 2019 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64-bit only) (version 1607 or higher) operating system
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
- Apple Safari
- Google Chrome
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox


CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor
Graphics Hardware Refer to the Maya Certified Hardware page for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space 4 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2021-05-05 03:16:06
Re:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020含注册机

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2021-05-06 08:59:52
Re:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020含注册机
Re:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020含注册机

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2023-09-08 13:55:16
Re:Autodesk MotionBuilder 2020含注册机