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[行业软件]OpenFlows WaterCAD 2024 ( [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-01-15 06:46:42 , 编辑

The Hydraulics and Hydrology development team is pleased to announce the availability of OpenFlows WaterCAD 2024 ( This update included new capabilities to help you be more successful with your hydraulics and hydrology modeling projects.

What’s New in OpenFlows WaterCAD 2024 (
SewerGEMS, CivilStorm, SewerCAD, and StormCAD 2024 (version introduces improvements and features to help you be more successful. Note: There is a new version ( that will allow for the integration of SewerGEMS with ArcGIS Pro 3.3. As with all new versions, this release also includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Tools to measure length and area in Standalone
A measure tool for length and area is now available for Standalone. To access this go to Home > Drawing > Measure or Layout > Measuring. From the Home tab, you can click the Measure button to choose either length or area. From the Layout tab, you will see each option available.

Selecting this will open a new toolbar. To use this, simply click in the drawing to create the line or area. When you are done, right-click and choose Done. The value for the length or area will be displayed in the Measure toolbar.

You can change units by right-clicking on the unit in the toolbar and choosing Units and Formatting. You can adjust the color used in the display by clicking the Options button. Once you close the Measure toolbar, the display on the drawing will be removed.
Search feature in TreeViews (Alternatives Manager, Engineering Libraries, etc.) and ListView controls (Selection Sets, Contours, etc.)
A search feature is now included in TreeView managers and ListView managers. This will help when there are a large number of items in a model, such as a large number of scenarios or profiles.

A Search bar is included at the top of the manager. Once you enter a value, the list of items in the manager will be filtered to only show items with the value.
SCADAConnect Simulator - PRV pressure settings
You can now use SCADAConnect Simulator to review pressure valve settings in SCADA Signals. When you link a SCADA signal to a valve, you will see a number of parameters you can use for SCADA data.

Multi-threading in Criticality
Multi-threading is now used when running a criticality analysis in WaterGEMS and WaterCAD. This will save on model run time.
Improvements to GPV, Variable Speed Pump Battery, and Orifice between Pipes elements
Known issues when modeling general purpose valves, variable speed pump batteries and the orifice between pipes element when using the WaterGEMS 2.2.0 engine have been resolved in this version.
Link to Ideas Portal
The Ideas Portal is the best way to request new features and improvements to the OpenFlows products. The Ideas Portal is reviewed by product managers and the development team. Other users can vote for new features as well.
A link to the Ideas Portal is now included in WaterGEMS and WaterCAD. You can find this in the upper-right near the Ribbon search.
Models saved in earlier versions of the OpenFlows products can be opened in this version. As with all new versions, this release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Assign DMAs based on Target number of Customer Meters
It is now possible to assign District Metering Areas based on the target number of customer meters. After selecting the Compute button in the District Metering Area tool, a dialog is generated to select the criteria type used to generate the DMAs. In addition to the existing options (Target Number of Nodes and Target Pipe Length), you can also select Target Number of Customer Meters. The workflow will be the same as other criteria types.

Time Step Export Options added to Export to Excel feature
An option has been added to the Export to Excel feature enabling the user to filter the time steps that are exported to Excel

This feature will be useful to limit the number of rows exported out to Excel and decrease the time needed to export the data.
Note: if you exceed the limit of the number of rows for Excel, select CSV for the "Format".
EPANET 2.2 Support
WaterGEMS and WaterCAD now support the EPANET 2.2 engine (numerical solver). Along with this, additional 2.2-specific convergence options have been included with this release. A model using the "EPANET 2.2" engine should match the results in EPANET 2.2, while the "WaterGEMS 2.2" engine is based on the EPANET 2.2 engine but with additional improvements.
Tank overflow support
Support for tank overflows have been included in this release. This feature will be available if you are using the WaterGEMS 2.2.0, WaterGEMS 2.00.12, WaterGEMS 2.00.10, or EPANET 2.2.0 engines in the Calculation Options.
To use this feature, open the tank Properties grid and set the property field “Allow tank overflow?” to True. With this setting, the tank can overflow during the simulation.

If “Allow tank overflow?” is set to True and the tank is full, you will see a user notification that the tank is overflowing. In addition, if “Allow tank overflow?” is set to True, the built-in tank altitude valve is not used. This means that there will continue to be flow to the tank if the tank is full.
New convergence options
The EPANET 2.2 based engine introduces two new calculation options for convergence.
- Flow Change Limit
- Headloss Error Limit
These values are used to make convergence stricter in either terms of flow or headloss. In other words, a limit is set for the largest flow or headloss change in a link, before convergence can be deemed to have occurred.
Continue if Unbalanced calculation options
With the “Continue if Unbalanced?” calculation option, if the run exceeds the maximum number of trials without reaching convergence, WaterGEMS and WaterCAD will continue to try additional trials up to the value entered for the Extra Iterations feature. To use this feature, set “Continue if Unbalanced?” to True. If this is set to False, no additional time steps will compute beyond the time step that is unbalanced and the analysis will stop.

Bulk Archive feature for Change Tracking
A new bulk archive feature is available for change tracking. With this, you will be able to archive a large number of items from the Change Tracking database. This will remove the items from the model database file and store the archived changes in an external database file. You can access this by going to the Review tab. Note that this does not replace the Archive feature in the Change Tracking manager.

Compatible Operating Systems and Platforms
Compatible Operating Systems
- Windows 11 (32-bit or 64-bit
- Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit)
- Windows Server 2019 and 2022
Supported Platforms:
- Standalone (no CAD or GIS software required)
- MicroStation CONNECT Edition
- AutoCAD 2023 and 2022
- ArcMap 10.8 and earlier (WaterGEMS only)
- ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and 2.9 (WaterGEMS only)
Model Compatibility
Older model files can be opened in the latest version without issue.
Stability enhancements and fixes to reported issues
As with all new versions, this release of WaterGEMS and WaterCAD includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.
Updates have been added to the Automated Fire Flow routine to make it easier to get viable results and easier to understand the results that you are seeing. A new "Nodes To Exclude" fields has been added to the Fire Flow Alternative. This is an optional set of nodes that would be excluded when checking the pressure constraints. This field would be used in a case where the calculation of the active fire flow scenario already violates at least one the pressure constraints for some nodes before a fire flow is even applied. If this occurs in a model a new user notification will be generated that says: "Pressure constraints violated before fire flow added. Use "Node to exclude" if needed."

This will often be nodes that are on the suction side of the pump, which are more likely to have low pressures during a typical steady state or EPS run if the elevations of the pump and the upstream reservoir or tank have similar elevations. If this occurs, open the Fire Flow alternative and find the field "Node to Exclude." This is located near the pressure constraints in the upper right of the Fire Flow Alternative.
The pulldown menu will include any existing selection sets in the model already. Create a selection set of nodes that you want to exclude from the calculation and choose this selection set from the pulldown menu. When you this, the nodes will be excluded from the calculation. In addition to this, the Fire Flow Results Browser had been updated so that additional information so you will know not only that the fire flow node failed, but also the reason that the fire flow node failed.

For instance, you may see results that indicate that the failure was due to the residual pressure constraint, the zo

Model Compatibility
Models saved in this version of WaterCAD (10.02.03.XX) can be opened in the earlier CONNECT Edition Update 2 versions (10.02.00.XX, 10.02.01.XX and 10.02.02.XX).

Pump Status FlexTable and graphing of Pump Status
A new Pump Status FlexTable has been included with this release. This will show results at a given time step for the pumps in a model, as well as sparkline that will display how the status changes with time. In addition, you can now graph the pump status directly from the Graph manager.

Stability enhancements and fixes to reported issues
As with all new versions, this release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.



Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition Update 2 10.02新功能
WaterCAD CONNECT Edition提供了一个统一的通用环境,可提高生产率,团队协作和项目绩效。 CONNECT Edition版本的关键新功能使用户能够:
区域计量面积(DMA)工具:区域计量面积(DMA)是自来水分配系统的一部分,与系统的其余部分(通常使用关闭的阀门)隔离,从而使进出DMA的所有水都可以 被计量。 与没有DMA的系统相比,DMA提供了一种更准确地跟踪用水和水流失的方法。
SCADAConnect导入现在支持储层高程:现在可以将SCADA元素映射到储层。 油藏水位等级用于常规绘图(SCADA单元的绘图)和初始条件加载。
AutoCAD 2020支持
Owner: Bentley Systems, Inc.
Product Name: OpenFlows WaterCAD
Version: 2024
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.bentley.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 625.5 mb


3、卸载CONNECTIONClientx64_10.00.15.12、CONNECT Advisor
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterCAD\x64\manageExceptionLogs.hta
C:\Program Files (x86)\Bentley\WaterCAD\manageExceptionLogs.hta

软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-02-14 11:53:19

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支持AutoCAD 2020,好!

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软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

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只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-02-02 08:43:36
Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition Update