WinLicense 3.1.3 中文破解版
关于WinLicense -WinLicense DLL Control SDK (Activated)
-WinlicenseSDK (Activated)
-Winlicense XBundler (Activated)
Ÿ扰乱程序的运行代码、资料和 API, 使软件破解者难以对程序进行还原。
Ÿ自定义所有的试用 / 注册信息,也可控制是否要显示特定的试用 / 注册讯息。
WinLicense [] (02-Oct-2020)[+] Improved compatibility with Golang applications and re-virtualization[+] Added PowerBuilder support[+] Improved "Anti-File Patching" option[+] Added Advanced Option to code sign the protected application[+] Improved Trial/Registration Clock Changes detection[+] Improved Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_XBUNDLER_FAKE_DLL"[+] Improved detection of wrong macro markers from compiler optimizations[+] Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" for overlay protection[+] Improved compatibility with option "Re-Encrypt strings after decryption" in some applications[+] Improved MAP file parsing[+] Added include files and examples for Rust[+] Added SDK support for Xojo applications[+] Added new SDK function "WLRegInstallBeforeDate" to retrieve the maximum installation date that was set on a license[+] Improved support with overlay protection and code signing[+] Improved speed parsing files with huge TLS section[+] XBundler: Improved support with bundled DLLs with TLS present[+] Improved detection of old ENCODE/CLEAR macros[+] Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_MANUAL_MUTATE_MACRO_xx"[+] Improved option "Get name from MAP File" in "Protection Macros" panel[!] Original memory page permits in Import Table were not restored correctly in runtime[!] Fixed random exception loading multiples projects without closing the User Interface[!] Fixed calculation of final resource section in specific applications[!] Fixed compatibility issue with 64-bit Xojo applications[!] Fixed exception handling support in Golang applications[!] Fixed exception when STR_ENCRYPT is within VM macros and "UNICODE/ASCII on VM" encryption is enabled[!] Fixed compatibility issue parsing specific PowerBuilder files[!] Fixed exception in WLGetCurrentCountry API[!] Fixed runtime redirection of SDK functions in specific applications[!] License Manager: Fixed exception adding a new customer in a MariaDB database[!] Fixed CHECK_REGISTRATION macro when license is marked as stolen/invalid[!] XBundler: Improved support in OpenFile function[!] Fixed exception processing selected MAP functions with very big function names[!] Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY, CHECK_PROTECTION macros using x64 inline assembly
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