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[行业软件]ANSYS Motion 2024 R1  激活 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-07-12 21:32:25
The Ansys product team is pleased to announce the availability of Motion 2024 is a next generation engineering solution based on flexible multibody dynamics. It enables fast and accurate analysis of rigid and flexible bodies within a single solver system.

ANSYS Motion是机械系统的仿真和分析领域中工程和专业软件的名称。实际上,在您面前的软件可以在建模到高级分析的所有阶段陪伴您。对模型的快速且非常准确的分析使用户在使用此产品时获得了非常好的结果。由于提供了全面的软件解决方案,因此该软件可以根据动态系统检查和分析多部分对象。

ANSYS Motion软件还能够在结构方面以不同的组合实现各种系统和机制。分析和预测电动机性能,安全性分析和对象振动分析的能力使您能够以最大可能的效率设计和建模产品。该软件的图形用户界面还为组件和系统提供了集成的建模环境。由于此用户界面,用户的手在建模中非常开放。

The software developer Ansys is pleased to announce the availability of Motion 2022 R1 is a next generation engineering solution based on flexible multibody dynamics. It enables fast and accurate analysis of rigid and flexible bodies within a single solver system.

What's new in ANSYS Motion 2022 R1
New functions
This chapter will introduce new functions in the 2022 R1 version.

Postprocessor with Python
The python script is available to extract data from Motion’s result. It enables you to extract every single array of data that you can plot in the Chart window except data that require additional calculation with the result such as a “Simple Math” function. The simulation result of a rigid body, node, and element can be designated by its name or ID explicitly.
Manual & Tutorial document supply more detailed information on how to use, which functions are available, and so on.

Improved Functions
This chapter will introduce improvements of existing entities


Solving performance

a) FDM Jacobian option
The FDM Jacobian option has been useful for many contact system analyses. It stabilizes the system behavior by minimizing contact force variation. The option has been improved again. When the option flag is turned on, flex to rigid, flex to flex contact solution gets much smoother and faster. The best performance improvement happens when the system has a floating flexible body

b)Solver data structure optimization
The solver data structure has been optimized for a system that has lots of rigid bodies and a few flexible bodies such as a ball bearing. (over 30 rigid body balls and one or two flexible bodies) Therefore, the simulation performance can be getting better.
c) Stepsize control
Motion solver has a variable time step size control capability. If the system seems to be stable, the solver automatically increases the time step size. On the other hand, the time step size is automatically decreased when the solution doesn't be converged within a certain number of iterations.
If the algorithm works too sensitive, the solver has to spend additional time to adjust the step size and it got worse than fixing a maximim value as a lower one. In this version, the algorithm to adjust the time step size has been improved and the number of iterations in solving step reduced and eventually solving time also reduced

External Force

In many cases, nodal force calculated from different simulation must be applied on Motion’s FE structure for a better solution or workflow and the source results must be mapped into Motion if the two structure has different mesh configurations.
The External Force entity enables you to do this easily and conveniently with helping of a user-supplied subroutine. Solver initially constructs mapping data with node position from source solution and uses it for a simulation.
EM force, EHD, Durability functions are based on the mapping method internally and the new function will be used for many other cases.

Hyperelastic material solutions

Tetrahedron(solid4), Pyramid (solid5), Pentagonal(solid6) have generated too stiff solutions for a small number of elements compared to solid8 or its high order element. It means that these types of elements basically required a lot more elements to get an accurate solution.
The convergence tendency has been improved for these types of elements and you can get a more accurate solution with fewer elements.

Joint friction

The friction capability has been expanded for translational & Cylindrical type joint. The friction algorithm supports velocity-dependent friction with several related coefficients and supports a stiction characteristic. The fundamental algorithm for the joint is the same as Revolute Joint’s one but geometry information is referring to its own physical model.

RBE3 memory usage

The required memory for the eigenvalue analysis with RBE3 element reduced up to 80%. Because, it was serious that the memory usage was exponentially increased when eigenvalue analysis was carried out for Motor – Housing structure that requires lots of RBE3 connection nodes.

Improvement of subsystem navigator

By displaying name, color, connectivity information, a subsystem navigator has been actively used to buildeck a model. In order to maintain the connection data, the navigator must be updated whenever modification happens. At the same time, the “updating information” cause latency issue when the number of entities exceeds about 1000. Just because of this problem, you needed to wait a few minutes sometime until the subsystem navigator updates the changes completely.
After optimizing the updating algorithm, the performance has been improved just like the below figure. The improvement ratio is exponentially increased and it becomes 2700% when the number of entities reaches 1000.

Solving Progress bar

A simulation progress bar shows the designated result file name at the top of the dialog. It will be useful when multiple simulations are running at the same time. On top of that, you can access the simulation result folder with “Open solver file directory” which will be popped up with the mouse right button click.


The scale factor for each axis value of spline can be parameterized. You can use design variables for scaling the value and it is available for both 2D/3D spline.An easier way to manage a group of splines is available. The multiple splines can be exported to one file and the importing File option enables you to choose one of the splines defined in the file.


DT Auto Modeler

The DT Auto Modeler function is saving lots of modeling effort by mapping CAD geometry to the corresponding Drivetrain entity. It reads CAD geometry name and matches to a specific available entity. And then convert the geometry into the matching entity automatically. In the new version, multiple solid geometries can be converted to one entity. Especially for Shaft or Housing usually composed of several solid geometries can be imported as one Shaft or one Housing.

Motor Designer

Set report point function is added. Once it is added, the static correction modes calculation for the reporting points is automatically carried out so that it improves the solution accuracy.By turning on the check button for each desired point, you can simply add a point with high accuracy modal approach.

Tooth Stiffness calculation

The tooth stiffness calculation must be recalculated when a gear specification that has highly contributed is changed. The new version updates the value when it detects changes of major specification.

DOE parameters

The starting position of the shaft and its direction can be parametrized by using Design variables and frames. These parameters are shown in D.O.E simulation dialog and it enables you to do design studies with consideration of offset, misalignment of shaft.


A new way of thin film assembly.

Modeling a system considering the deformed shape of a flexible body usually needs pre-simulation to derive the deformation. It also requires additional modeling not included in a system used to derive the deformation and these additional things make it difficult to build a model as well as carry out a simulation. Sometimes the “deformation deriving” simulation takes longer than the main simulation if your system has more than 100 rollers.
The new links assemble algorithm enables you to do that easily and conveniently. Selecting a series of rollers sequentially and filling in geometry specifications for the thin film is all you need to do. The algorithm assumes that the stretching deformation of the thin film is quite small compared to the bending deformation. So it still requires initial stabilization time before applying operating conditions. But definitely much faster than doing that in a general way.
By doing that way, the initial assembly model can be generated and it helps you to reduce the whole working time until you get a final solution.

Large assemblies with many millions of degrees of freedom can studied with the effects of flexibility and contact included. Standard connections and joints then allow these systems to be connected together and loaded.

In addition to the basic package ANSYS Motion offers additional toolkits so users working in areas with specific multibody dynamic needs can work faster and more efficiently.

ANSYS Motion Toolkits

ANSYS Motion Car

Vehicle systems with many parts and interactions can be easily and conveniently modeled using the Car Toolkit. With this toolkit it is possible to model various templates and subsystems used for vehicle ride and handling analyses, such as the suspension system, steering system and brakes. The Car Toolkit also contains libraries for tires.

Application areas:
  • Characterization of the suspension and steering system of a vehicle.
  • Identification of vehicle ride and handling characteristics and feedback to the steering wheel.
  • Analysis of the complete vehicle or individual subsystems.

ANSYS Motion Drivetrain
Drivetrain is a toolkit that constructs power transmission devices including gears, bearings, shafts and housings. In particular, by calculating the gear excitation force under fluctuating speed/load conditions, vibration characteristics can be analyzed accurately under the same conditions as the actual driving conditions. Drivetrain allows you to configure the gear pair model by entering the specifications required for the gear design and analyze the transmission errors for each gear (backlash). It provides catalogs from major bearing manufacturers to improve your modeling experience and allows gear geometry to be created from parametric sketches.

Application areas:
  • Whine and rattle analysis of electric car speed reducer.
  • Whine and rattle analysis of transmission systems including epicyclic gear trains.
  • Rattle analysis and noise analysis of steering systems.
  • Transmission error analysis for gear design.

ANSYS Motion Links
Many mechanical systems contain flexible power transmission features like chains, tracks and belts. Connections between the individual links and contact between the links and the sprockets, pulleys and rollers mean that many hundreds of thousands of elements need to be set up and have their contact defined. The Chain/Track Toolkit provides an automated method for quickly setting up these systems and post-processing them in an easy manner.

Application areas:
  • Track system in all tracked vehicles such as excavators and armored vehicles.
  • Chain systems within various machines.
  • All kinds of pulley, belt systems.
  • Material conveying systems.
  • Timing belts of engines.

ANSYS Motion EasyFlex
The EasyFlex toolkit provides an automated mesh-free solver capability within ANSYS Motion. It can be used to calculate the stress and deformation of flexible parts without the need for any knowledge of mesh generation technology and techniques. This leaves the ANSYS Motion user free to focus their time on solving the engineering problems at hand.

ANSYS Inc. Founded in 1970, ANSYS employs nearly 3,000 professionals, many of whom are expert M.S. and Ph.D.-level engineers in finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics, electronics, semiconductors, embedded software and design optimization. Our exceptional staff is passionate about pushing the limits of world-class simulation technology so our customers can turn their design concepts into successful, innovative products faster and at lower cost. As a measure of our success in attaining these goals, ANSYS has been recognized as one of the world's most innovative companies by prestigious publications such as Bloomberg Businessweek and FORTUNE magazines.

Product: ANSYS Motion
Version: 2024
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.ansys.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.2 Gb
Application areas:
  • Automated mesh-free modeling of flexible components within multibody systems


软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)
精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-07-13 07:04:46
百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-07-13 07:42:53

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-07-13 09:24:36

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-07-13 15:15:32
感谢分享ANSYS Motion 2020 R2

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-07-13 19:31:40
Re:Ansys Motion 2020 R2 激活
软件下载咨询邮箱: sdbeta@qq.com (回复及时)

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-07-16 21:27:30
Re:Ansys Motion 2020 R2 激活

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-09-04 16:07:34

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-12-20 23:10:01

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2022-02-22 10:16:24