Exposure X6 6.0.8 (x64) | 390 Mb
Exposure is the best photo editor for creative photographers who want to create artistic images. Its large library of gorgeous looks provides inspairing starting points that you can customize. Unique creative tools not found in other photo editors help your photos stand out. And Exposure’s efficient workflow keeps you in the creative zone. Exposure X6是用于创意照片编辑的最佳图像编辑器。Exposure X6结合了专业级照片调整,庞大的华丽照片外观库以及高效的设计,使其使用起来很愉悦。 新的自动调整功能可简化您的工作流程,并使您进入创意区。
最好的创意照片编辑器也是最快的。 曝光使用您的GPU使编辑更快,更流畅。
Exposure X6是一个完整的照片编辑应用程序和一个插件。特征Exposure是一种高级的无损RAW编辑器。它具有许多功能,可帮助您掌握工作流程并尽可能高效地创建精美的图像。创意调整新的高级色彩编辑器新增功能,可以更好地控制颜色修改新增按色相,饱和度和亮度范围选择来源和替代颜色新功能一步执行多个转换新增将转换另存为预设以供重复使用3D色彩遮罩精确控制应用图像调整的位置指定由亮度,色相和饱和度组合定义的区域遮罩预设可一键选择天空,树叶,肤色等使用吸管工具快速选择蒙版约束无损层图层效果,包括预设和照片调整层数无限制使用笔刷工具无缝混合调整同时处理多张照片中的图层调整每一层的不透明度刷子人像修饰增强虹膜软化皮肤美白牙齿消除红眼使图像的一部分变亮或变暗调整温暖度,清晰度和对比度使预设影响特定区域叠加效果调整不透明度新的亮度和饱和度蒙版可视化选项新的黑色背景蒙版可视化选项新增自定义选择蒙版叠加层的色相和不透明度线性和径向渐变工具选择性地应用具有径向,平面和半平面渐变的效果调整渐变的不透明度现场修复工具修复或克隆以修饰人像或消除照片中的小干扰创意焦点工具散景工具,用于创意焦点效果径向模糊可将注意力集中在对象上平面模糊可实现倾斜移位效果小插图小插图定位工具可在图像上显示小插图的确切中心叠加层边框贴图灯光效果太阳耀斑,侧面,角落和周围的灯光效果可移动的覆盖物可以精确放置和旋转灯光效果批量叠加导入叠加混合模式–不透明度,乘法,屏幕,叠加,强光谷物工具使用预设或自定义自己的在阴影,中间调和高光中渲染颗粒的方式不同,以准确地模拟胶片颗粒红外线工具辉光多雾路段光晕图片修改新的自动调整只需单击一下,即可为常用控件选择最佳值新的自动调整功能可设置白平衡,曝光度,雾度,对比度和色调新功能可以选择自动调整的强度以匹配您的编辑样式新GPU优化新增将渲染任务分配给CPU和可用的图形卡,以实现最快的编辑体验核心编辑工具曝光,对比度,饱和度和其他必要的调整可调的整体强度滑块可将效果与原始图像融合高质量的原始处理算法可显着增强阴影和高光细节新的雾度水平滑块可抵消大气雾引起的对比度下降白平衡调整白平衡吸管温度和色调控制温度滑块使用开尔文单位针对特定照明场景的白平衡预设键盘快捷键可切换白平衡选择器色彩编辑使用滑块调整特定颜色的色相,饱和度和亮度使用目标调整工具调整所选颜色的HSL调整阴影,中间调和高光的饱和度轻松调节滑块即可进行加热和冷却应用您选择的任何颜色的镜头滤镜模拟黑白编辑调整黑白转换中使用的颜色的灵敏度常用转换样式的灵敏度预设灵敏度调整工具,可从图像中选择颜色锐化新的降噪新型轮廓引导降噪功能可根据相机传感器的特性降低噪声新增调整亮度和色度噪声的消除新的“平滑”选项应用了自适应算法,该算法可保留锐利边缘,同时进一步降低噪声转换工具调整垂直和水平梯形失真调整旋转,缩放和偏移调整外观(可选)在调整变换控件时显示网格直方图叠图显示高光和阴影被剪切的区域可调区域可以编辑特定的音调范围使用快捷键切换高光和阴影剪辑警告指定黑色或白色剪辑警告阈值显示光标下方像素的RGB值选择样本大小–单像素或5×5加权平均值完整的编辑记录查看照片的完整编辑历史记录,并查看特定的滑块值将鼠标悬停在上一个编辑上,以查看该点的照片效果轻松还原到上一个编辑步骤限制编辑历史记录条目数量的选项查找表(LUT)支持将行业标准的LUT调整应用于照片导入在互联网上找到并由其他照片和视频编辑程序导出的LUT直观浏览已安装的LUT,轻松选择Gorgeous LooksAn extensive selection of beautiful film presets puts the history of photography at your fingertips. Carefully researched with the help of experienced film photographers, Exposure has the largest and most accurate selection of film looks available. Exposure’s creative looks go beyond film simulation, offering you new creative styles such as clean modern looks. You can customize each of Exposure’s built-in looks, then save it as a unique look that expresses your own style. Reuse your customized presets to achieve consistent looks across all your work with a single click. Unique Creative ToolsExposure has creative tools you won’t find in any other photo editor. These tools include realistic film grain, creative lens focus and tilt-shift effects, and a huge number of creative overlays – light effects, textures, and borders. Exposure’s design encourages you to work creatively. Apply effects selectively to specific areas of your image with brushing and masking tools. Non-destructive layers enable you to blend presets and adjustments for an endless variety of looks. Focus on your ArtExposure’s intuitive design helps you focus on creativity. Its workflow is reliable, efficient, and respectful of your hard drive space. This helps you spend less time managing files and more on creating beautiful images. Exposure puts everything you need onscreen in a single user interface that can be customized to suit your workflow preferences. Transition seamlessly between organizing and editing without having to switch between modules. Features:- 500+ customizable presets- (New) 3D Color Masking- Complete non-destructive RAW photo editor- Photoshop and Lightroom plug-in support included- Black-and-white processing- Non-destructive layers- Keywords, collections, and smart collections- Virtual copies- Portrait retouching System Requirements:- Microsoft Windows: Windows 7 64-bit or newer- An Intel Core 2 processor with SSE4 support or compatible- A monitor with 1280×768 resolution or greater The plug-in requirements are as follows:- Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 or newer- Adobe Lightroom 6 or Adobe Lightroom CC 2015 or newer Home Page - https://exposure.software/ win: http://wm.makeding.com/iclk/?zoneid=41246