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- 2025-03-03
Boris FX Mocha Pro 2023(x64) | Incl. Standalone and Plug-ins for Adobe | 614 Mb (Total) 业界领先的旋转和绘画工具现在包含合成的主要功能。Silhouette 2023 提供 400+ 个节点,包括高级插件 Sapphire、Mocha Pro 和 Particle Illusion,它们封装在一个基于节点的集成包中。十五年来,剪影一直是好莱坞最大影片不可或缺的一部分,最近在《沙丘》、《蜘蛛侠:无路可归》、《自由人》和《曼达洛人》中留下了印记。《剪影》由视觉效果艺术家设计,曾获得著名的奥斯卡和艾美奖技术奖,并且是 Netflix 制作技术联盟的成员。 包含效果工具 顶级鲍里斯FX工具 现在包含在剪影中。Mocha Pro 2023 is here! Mocha is the world’s most recognized and powerful planar tracking tool for VFX and post-production. Mocha Pro features GPU-accelerated tracking and object removal, advanced masking with edge-snapping, stabilization, lens calibration, 3D camera solver, stereo 360/VR support, and more. Mega Plate module:Use planar tracking and temporal frame analysis to create extended stitched frames for advanced effects and clean up tasks - Area Brush: Dynamic new paint tool with Quick Mask mode to quickly create tracking and masking layers- OpenColorIO: color management for high-end VFX and finishing workflows- Python scripting: now updated to support Python 3.0. EXTENDED CLEAN PLATESMega Plate is a unique new module building on Mocha Pro’s most powerful core technologies — planar tracking and temporal frame analysis — to create a stitched extended frame for visual effects tasks. Working with Mega Plates is a new way to visualize and work on a larger than raster “Mega” canvas for common VFX tasks such as object removal, clean plating, sky replacements, matte painting, and set extensions. CREATE MOCHA LAYERS EVEN FASTERArea Brush is a new paint tool that speeds up Mocha’s most common core task — creating shapes. Area Brush with Quick Mask mode brings fluid gestural paint functionality into Mocha to define planar tracking and masking search areas. Instead of clicking and dragging spline points, add and subtract paint strokes are converted to vector splines — greatly speeding up and simplifying multi-shape tracking and masking set-ups. The Area Brush also supports Wacom tablets for pressure-sensitive scaling. COLOR MANAGEMENTMocha Pro 2020 adds industry-standard OpenColorIO color management for consistent and predictable color display across industry workflows. OCIO support is compatible with the Academy Color Encoding Specification (ACES) and enables improved color-managed workflows with high-end post-production and VFX applications such as Silhouette, Foundry’s NUKE, Autodesk Flame, Avid Media Composer, and more. THE INDUSTRY'S MOST RELIABLE TRACKINGPlanar tracking is at the heart of all Mocha Pro modules and is used to drive tracking, masking, object removal, stabilization, and more. Unlimited tracking layers and the advanced AdjustTrack module helps handle reflections, occlusions, noise, and even areas with motion blur or low details. ROTO WITH LESS KEYFRAMESMocha’s masking workflow features planar tracked spline tools to speed up shape creation and reduce manual keyframes. PLUG-IN OPTIONMocha Pro’s integrated plug-in option delivers a fast & efficient workflow using the host’s media engine. Launch Mocha Pro from within your favorite editing and effects hosts. GPU-ACCELERATED OBJECT REMOVALRemove unwanted elements, wires, rigs, tracking marks, and 360 cameras. Generate clean plates for massive time-savings. INSERT MODULERender accurate match moves and screen inserts with realistic motion blur or mesh warp distortions. STABILIZESmooth camera jitter and lock down shots with the Stabilize Module. The stabilize module can lock down camera motion or stabilize moving objects based on planar tracking. Smooth option with selectable anchor frames helps reduce high frequency jitters while maintaining original camera motion. Center, scale or crop stabilized footage based on user driven tracking. LENS MODULECalibrate, correct and remove lens distortion. This simple and easy-to-use interface allows users to calibrate the distortion introduced by camera lenses. Unwanted lens distortion can be removed or matched for realistic compositing. For 360/VR, a simplified Undistort/Distort workflow makes mono or stereo clean-ups on equirectangular footage easy. STEREOSCOPIC WORKFLOWStereo 3D planar tracking, masking, and object removal workflow. Mocha supports native stereo 3D and 360/VR stereo formats. This unique workflow uses planar tracking analysis on “both eye views” to reduce manual offsets and tedious keyframe work on stereo 3D rotoscoping, tracking, 3D camera solve, and object removal. 3D CAMERA SOLVERSolve 3D match moving capabilities with planar ease. Unlike feature based camera tracking, Mocha solves the 3D camera based on user-selected planar data. This fast and easy-to-use solution is ideal for set extensions, 3D text, and particle tracking. Additionally the 3D solver can be used to assist other 3D tracking applications on difficult shots with low detail or significant foreground occlusions. 360/VR POST-PRODUCTION TOOLKITAward-winning 360° video tools for tracking and masking, horizon stabilization, Camera and Object Removal, Nadir Patching, and spherical video post. A native mono and stereo 360° optimized workflow simplifies spherical video post-production challenges: work across seams with less pre-comps, nesting or rendering. System Requirements:- Windows: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows XP Professional SP2 or higher, Windows Vista Business or Ultimate (64-bit)- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or equivalent- Memory: 4 GB + Disk: High-speed disk array- Graphics Card: NVDIA Quadro FX 1500 or equivalent Monitor: 1920×1080 or higher Home Page - https://borisfx.com/ Nuke/达芬奇/Vegas/OFX专业三维摄像机反求跟踪插件Boris FX Mocha Pro 2021 AE/PR插件-专业摄像机反求跟踪插件Boris FX Mocha Pro 2021 摄像机反求跟踪软件Boris FX Mocha Pro 2021 独立版 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到