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- 2025-03-03
全球资产优化软件领导者Aspen Technology,Inc.宣布已正式发布aspenONE V12软件版本,该版本将人工智能(AI)嵌入整个产品组合中,并使用云来提供企业范围的分析和见解以提高安全性,可持续性并提高利润率。AspenTech的工业AI解决方案使AI的应用民主化,在AI可以带来最大价值的同时,这也是实现自优化工厂的关键一步。工程计算和建模软件产品是新工艺设计或现有工艺升级的基础这一进程的目的是改善他们的生产业绩。aspenone软件产品共同用于建模和商业决策的模型,并提供了:数据的一致性。工程计算和建模软件有助于缩短项目实施时间,使设计过程更方便互相借鉴集成以及专业人员和管理人员之间的数据和知识共享的可能性。可靠的模拟工具使人们对决策的正确性有很大的信心。设计,管理和业务流程的联系。通过开放的软件产品结构,aspenone大大扩展了工程计算模型的应用范围。这些模型也可用于工厂的管理,实时优化,规划和决策的业务-决策。提高工程计算的性能和质量。拥有最完整、最强大和最新的模拟和优化工具,广泛的数据库,模块化的操作库,经济分析能力,工程计算和建模软件产品可以大大缩短工程任务的时间。提高设施的成本效益,缩短项目的回收期。精确的热力学模型可以设计出最佳的物质,热流和辅助流,并选择适合这个过程的设备,这有助于更有效地利用投资和增加利润,同时减少额外投资。商业预测。工程计算和建模软件产品提供了一个精确的评估各种投资方案在设计的早期阶段。aspenone软件产品中的所有模型都是建立在工艺过程知识的基础上的,汇集了以前所有的工程创新和信息技术的进步,以及这是一个可靠的结果,在实际的工业设施。Aspen Technology aspenONE Suite 12.0 |下载 16.0 Gb 全球资产优化软件领导者Aspen Technology,Inc.宣布已正式发布aspenONE V12软件版本,该版本将人工智能(AI)嵌入整个产品组合中,并使用云来提供企业范围的分析和见解以提高安全性,可持续性并提高利润率。AspenTech的工业AI解决方案使AI的应用民主化,在AI可以带来最大价值的同时,这也是实现自优化工厂的关键一步。 Aspen Technology提供新的工业AI解决方案,以加速自优化工厂之旅 aspenONE V12解决方案具有首个工业AI混合模型功能,专为流程行业和其他资本密集型行业而打造。Aspen混合模型从整个企业的资产中捕获数据,然后应用AI,工程优先原则和AspenTech的领域专业知识,以企业速度和规模提供全面,更准确的模型。凭借AspenTech对流程行业和其他资本密集型行业构建解决方案所面临的独特挑战的四十年知识,aspenONE V12使客户无需额外的数据科学专业知识即可将AI应用于关键流程,并且无需具备深厚的流程知识或就无需为新用户提供更好的支持经验。 流程行业响应数字化转型,以响应不断增长的人口需求和对可持续性的期望,从而推动卓越的运营和创新。aspenONE V12中的新解决方案以更高的建模精度,更深入的洞察力和更高的总拥有成本来应对这些独特的挑战,可以支持不断发展的业务需求并利用新的数字本地劳动力。AspenTech, a global provider of software to optimize asset performance, announced the availability of the next version of aspenON software. Release V12.2 provides companies with additional sustainable development models and product capabilities that accelerate digitalization to support their sustainable development initiatives. What's new in this release The aspenONE V12 software now includes more than 50 models, including models to understand where production efficiency can be improved to meet CO2 reduction targets. Using these models, customers will be able to determine how to reduce emissions throughout the value chain, reduce energy, water and raw materials consumption, switch to other energy sources such as biofuels and hydrogen, and provide a closed-loop economy through processes such as plastic processing and turning waste into chemicals. In addition to models for sustainable development, version V12 includes a number of upgraded products and capabilities designed to provide ease of use, accelerate business processes and actions for effective collaboration throughout the value chain. These include: Aspen OptiPlant and OptiRouter: Automatically generate 3D layouts for design, with AI-driven optimum pipeline routing, and broader visibility increasing collaboration for reduced costs, errors, variances and faster concept selection. Aspen Unscrambler and Aspen Process Plus: Accelerate product development and ensure product quality, while maintaining regulatory compliance with Aspen Unscrambler and Aspen Process Pulse. Each provides pharmaceutical companies with full process understanding and control of data from product development to production for more profitable processes, less deviations, reduced cycle times, and higher yields. Reduced Order Hybrid Models for Aspen Unified PIMS and GDOT: Automate workflow for maintaining planning model accuracy and enable optimisation of complex process units in closed loop with reduced order models that provide a consistent workflow spanning process engineering, data science, planning and APC. Aspen Mtell: Enables data scientists to collaborate with domain experts with integration with Aspen AIoT Hub. In addition, Aspen Mtell native OPC UA support enables broader coverage and easier connections across enterprise deployments. Aspen Industrial AI Workbench: Enable domain experts with data analytics with a no-code Visual Query Builder and gain fast-time to insights with out-of-the-box Analytics libraries. Empower citisen data scientists with Advanced Analytics libraries such as Anomaly Detection and Scoring and seamlessly share insights through configurable dashboards and application enablement. aspenONE is AspenTech’s comprehensive set of software solutions andservices. aspenONE products enable process industry companies to optimizetheir engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. As a result,AspenTech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins,reduce costs, become more energy efficient, and achieve operationalexcellence goals. On November 5, 2020 the Aspen Technology company announced release of the 12th version of the software package aspenONE with support of artificial intelligence technologies and use of a cloud for universal corporate systems of data analysis. The next version of aspenONE provides sustainable development, increase in security and income. Industrial AspenTech technologies allow to apply artificial intelligence in any industries where it can become a source of additional benefits. Release of this version — an important step on the way to implementation of the concept of self-optimization of the enterprise. The software package aspenONE of the 12th version includes the technology of creation of hybrid models on the basis of artificial intelligence developed especially for the enterprises working in the field of processing industry and other capital-intensive industries. The solution Aspen Hybrid Models obtains data from all installations of the enterprise and creates exact complex models at the level of a production facility using artificial intelligence technologies, the basic principles of design and practical practices of AspenTech company in this area. In 40 years specialists of AspenTech accumulated extensive experience in creation of solutions for processing industry and other capital-intensive industries. Solutions as a part of aspenONE of the 12th version will allow customers to apply artificial intelligence in the major operational processes without additional knowledge of data slicing pane and will help new users to get quicker into gear without comprehensive study of processes and production adaptation. The enterprises of processing industries address digital transformation to increase efficiency of transactions and to accelerate innovations in response to growth of population and increase in requirements to sustainable development. Solutions as a part of the 12th version of aspenONE offer the enhanced accuracy of modeling, the improved means of the analysis and decrease in total cost of ownership. Thanks to it the enterprises will be able to adapt to the changing requirements of business and to involve the young specialists who are masterfully using digital technologies.AspenONE V12软件的新功能包括:-AspenMaestro – Aspen DMC3TM和Aspen Mtell的新功能,可通过指导经验不足的用户如何构建特定模型或代理,从而更快地自动化更好模型的开发。-Aspen深度学习IQ –可以建立更准确的模型和预测。-Aspen计划验证-使用AI捕获知识并对照计划进行检查,以防止代价高昂的错误。-Aspen Multi-Case –可以在本地或云端同时轻松地运行数千个模拟案例,从而可以进行更完整的分析,因此结果可用于导航操作复杂性并更快地做出更准确的决策。-Aspen事件分析–快速了解生产事件。快速,轻松地调查意外的生产事件可加快纠正措施的决策制定。监视和检测实时事件,以便迅速进行早期干预。-Aspen MES协作公司–提供互联企业。与企业级历史学家聚合数据,并连接小型站点以消除搁浅的数据。-Aspen Cloud Connect –提供具有高性能和安全性的灵活连接,可将数据从边缘传输到云。-Aspen资本成本估算器见解(ACCE)–通过与ACCE和Aspen Enterprise Insights的现成集成来简化用户体验,以在混合云环境中提供可视化和协作工作流。 aspenONE是AspenTech的综合 软件解决方案和服务。aspenONE产品使流程工业公司能够优化其工程,制造和供应链运营。因此,AspenTech客户能够更好地提高容量,提高利润,降低成本,提高能效并实现卓越的经营目标。 2020年11月5日,Aspen Technology公司宣布发布了第12版的aspenONE软件包,该版本支持人工智能技术以及将云用于通用公司数据分析系统。 下一版本的aspenONE提供可持续发展,安全性和收入的增加。工业AspenTech技术允许将人工智能应用于可能成为其他收益来源的任何行业。发布此版本-实现企业自我优化概念的重要一步。 第十二版的软件包aspenONE包括基于人工智能的混合模型创建技术,该混合模型是专门为在加工业和其他资本密集型行业中工作的企业开发的。解决方案Aspen Hybrid Models从企业的所有设施中获取数据,并使用人工智能技术,AspenTech公司在该领域的设计基本原理和实践,在生产设施级别创建精确的复杂模型。40年来,AspenTech的专家在为加工业和其他资本密集型行业创建解决方案方面积累了丰富的经验。 作为第12版aspenONE的一部分的解决方案将允许客户在主要操作流程中应用人工智能,而无需额外了解数据切片窗格,并且将帮助新用户更快地投入使用,而无需全面研究流程和生产适应性。 加工企业应对数字化转型,以提高交易效率并响应人口增长和对可持续发展的需求增加而加快创新。作为aspenONE的第12版的一部分,解决方案提供了更高的建模精度,改进的分析方法并降低了总拥有成本。多亏了它,企业将能够适应不断变化的业务需求,并使精通数字技术的年轻专家参与进来。 aspenONE工程套件 Aspen Technology(AspenTech) 是优化资产绩效的领先软件供应商。我们的产品在复杂的工业环境中蓬勃发展,在这些环境中,优化资产设计,操作和维护生命周期至关重要。AspenTech将数十年的过程建模专业知识与机器学习完美地结合在一起。我们专用的软件平台通过在整个资产生命周期内提供高回报来自动化知识工作并建立可持续的竞争优势。因此,资本密集型行业的公司可以最大限度地延长正常运行时间并突破性能极限,从而更安全,更环保,更长,更快地运行其资产。 产品: Aspen Technology aspenONE版本: Suite 12.1支持的体系结构: x64网站主页: www.aspentech.com语言:英语系统要求: PC *大小: 16.0 Gb * 系统要求:
平台支持 为了解使用AspenTech软件的最佳计算机基础结构,首先要了解经过AspenTech测试和支持的计算平台。
根据平台支持指南,当前Aspen Technology的Microsoft支持计划预计将在延长的Microsoft支持终止日期之前支持Windows桌面和服务器,Office和SQL Server等元素。
请点击以下链接,了解我们支持的计算平台和硬件: 平台支持aspenONE V12.0
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