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[行业软件]Siemens Simatic STEP 7 incl. Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-06-05 06:16:47

Siemens Simatic STEP 7 incl. Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17 | 25.7 Gb

The software developer TIA Portal is pleased to announce the availability of package SIMATIC STEP 7 incl. Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17.

SIMATIC STEP 7, STEP 7 Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17
New features and changes compared to earlier versions are described in the delivery releases:


Highlights SIMATIC STEP 7 V17
STEP 7 V17 includes new features for all phases of the engineering workflow.

Hardware configuration
- CPU 1518HF-4 PN (6ES7518-4JP00-0AB0), the new innovative SIMATIC S7-1500H CPU with integrated F functionality – predestined for applications which have high requirements for both high availability and fail-safety. 109795742
- CPU 1518T(F)-4 PN/DP, the high end S7-1500 technology CPU for demanding motion control applications with very high requirements for the program scope, networking and processing speed. The CPU with a quantity structure of up to 192 axes is available without and with integrated fail-safety. The current quantity structure of the respective CPU is documented in the technical data. 109793863
- CPU 1518 with an extended memory quantity structure: The work memory of the CPUs 1518 (including T, F, TF, HF) has been extended significantly.
- TM MFP (Multifunctional Platform technology module), this module is predestined for IT applications in automation engineering, i.e. for applications which directly evaluate and process data and information from the CPU but which are not directly integrated into the control job.

Programming language CEM

With CEM (cause effect matrix) you have a new, easy-to-understand programming language available which allows you to program cause effect matrixes rapidly and easily. In the process you describe specific process events and define possible process reactions. You assign them in a two-dimensional matrix.

The clear presentation of cause and effect ensures that a CEM program is easy to detect both during the phase of the configuration and commissioning as well as during the service case.

Continuous Function Chart (CFC), available soon 109797803

The CFC-editor permits graphic configuration of the continuous automation functions.

Instances of function block types can be positioned on CFCs, assigned parameters, and interconnected.

Extended potential for rationalization is offered by special configuration techniques such as chart-in-chart for implementing hierarchical charts.

In addition to convenient editing functions, its scope of functions also includes powerful test and commissioning functions.

Loading groups and group structures

Available groups and group structures are also loaded into the CPU (S7-1200 & S7-1500) while "loading into the device".

The group and group structures can be loaded into the project navigation from the following system folders. This is also valid for the system folders below software units.

- Program blocks
- PLC data types
- PLC tags (only CPU S7-1500 as of firmware version >= V2.5)

The group structure is thus restored when loading the CPU as a new station or when downloading from a device.

Editors for programming languages
- The cross-reference list in the Inspector window now allows freezing of the current cross-reference display as well as showing of the overlapped accesses for structure variables (STRUCT, PLC data type).
- The display of overlapping input or output addresses has been improved in the cross-reference editor.
- The dialog "Open block" (F7) now also allows for the partial search of names. The input of initial letters is therefore not mandatory anymore for finding blocks and PLC data types (UDT).
- The "Published" property is displayed in the project navigation for blocks, PLC data types (UDT) and PLC tag tables within software units.
- The total number of replacements is displayed at a local Find & Replace.
- In many STEP 7 editors, <Ctrl + F> can be used to copy the marked text straight into the Find box of the local search function. A second <Ctrl + F> copies the search text to the global search.
- If possible operands in LAD, FBD, GRAPH and CEM which are written in "camelCasing" or "PascalCasing" are now wrapped by an upper-case character. This significantly simplifies the readability in the code.
- During the import of variable tables, for example from Microsoft Excel, you can decide whether you synchronize by name or address. This way you can easily differentiate between renaming or rewiring.
- The keyboard shortcuts for LAD (empty box, NC contact, NC contact) and FBD (empty box, AND, OR) can now be operated with one finger (F8, F9, F10).

Improved download of data blocks without reinitialization

As of V17 the structure of online and offline blocks is compared, and no longer the time stamps. Data blocks are not re-initialized during loading until their structure has actually changed. Another advantage is that in such cases the program status can be monitored continuously, even if differences are shown in the online and offline program.

New and improved instructions
- When you have configured your S7-1500 or ET-200 CPU as an I-Device, you can switch on and switch off the I-Device functionality in the program of this CPU by using the instruction "D_ACT_DP".
- With the new instruction "Get_AlarmResources" you determine for a S7-1500-CPU the number of messages for which storage space is currently available in your CPU.
- The existing operations "Get_SMC_Info", "FileWriteC", "FileReadC", "ServerMethodPre" and "ServerMethodPost" are now also supported by S7-1200-CPUs.
- With the new operations "OPC_UA_ReadList_C", "OPC_UA_WriteList_C" and "OPC_UA_MethodCall_C" the handling of S7-1500- and ET-200-CPUs as an OPC UA Client is simplified. Each of these compact operations is characterized by the fact that only this one operation has to be configured and carried out to fulfil its task as an OPC UA client.
- With the new operation "TCONSettings" you request a connection ID for a new OUC connection for an S7-1200 or an S7-1500 CPU, read out a property of a prepared or an existing OUC connection or specify a property for a prepared or existing OUC connection.
- With the new operation "CommConfig" you can read and change the following communication parameters for an S7-1500 CPU:
. DNS Host name
. DNS Domain name
. DHCP ClientId
. DNS Server addresses
. IP Suite (IP address, subnet mask, default gateway or default router)
. NTP server addresses (you cannot read these communication parameters but only change them.)

Motion Control extensions (V6.0)

You can find all the information about the new motion control functions in STEP 7 V17 in this entry: 109793950


It now supports the TIA Portal multilingual concept through the subsequent loading of additional languages.

The control code for the following SIMATIC PLCs can now be loaded directly and simulated with PLCSIM

- SIMATIC S7-1500 H/R CPUs
- SIMATIC S7-1500 ET 200pro
- SIMATIC S7-1518 T/TF
- SIMATIC Drive Controller S7-1504 D TF and S7-1507 D TF
- SIMATIC S7-SIPLUS CPUs equivalents of the supported standard CPU types



WinCC Advanced

- Template Screens can be used as Libraryobjects
- Popup Screens can be used as Libraryobjects
- Increasing of the max. size of a popup screen possible
- It is possible to communicate with a S7-1500, Modbus and SIMOTION channel in parallel

WinCC Professional

- With WinCC Professional V17 the new SQL Server Version 2017 will be introduced
- Rawdata Communication for S7-1500 possible
RT Stopp via Command Line:
- Automatic and controlled shutdown of the RT Station possible.

WinCC Unified V17

SIMATIC WinCC Unified V17 - the new visualization system in the TIA Portal. From machine-level operator control to integration of IT systems in automation, WinCC Unified is not only fit for today's demands but also for the demands of the future.

The system is impressive in its base use of native web technologies (HTML5, SVG and JavaScript) as well as its high degree of openness thanks to high-performance interfaces for data exchange

Improvements with SIMATIC WinCC Unified V17

Enhancements in the screen editor
- Improved handling of screen objects
. Extended behaviour in adjusting and placing screen objects („Snap To Object“)
. Free drawing of lines and polygones
- Multiline texts of buttons, text fields or labels (e.g. for combo boxes or bar graphs) possible
- Search filter for the attributes
- Extended simple dynamics dialog
- Enabled setting for color switching and blinking dependant on process values (ranges or via single bits)
- Automizable adaption of screens and its objects after device change
- Styling of screens:
. Use of customer specific true type fonts
. Customizable color of focus frame of objects and of headers for objects (e.g. Alarmanzeige oder ScreenWindow)
. Distribute objects evenly vertically / horizontally
. Change common attributes of multiple objects (e.g. change color of lines, width or text format of selected objects)
. Copying of format from one to another object (brush)
. Additional flat bright and dark styles (e.g. for day-night mode)
Faceplate - functional extensions
- Rotation of faceplates during engineering or at runtime upon process values possible
- Additional dynamic and static properties available
- configuration string, 64 bit integer, boolean, unsigned 64 bit integer, real; graphic lists
- Use of simple tag types and PLC UDTS
- Access to properties of the instance faceplate container via scripting (e.g. position, name of attached variables) and on the passed dynamic and static properties
- Closing faceplate instance via scripting function
- Extension of the SVG graphics library: addional animatable dynamic SVG graphics
- Managing and versioning of faceplates in the TIA library
- Managing and versioning of graphics in the TIA library
Engineering of a multi touch 2-hand operation ("release button")
Extension of communication drivers
- indirect adressing of 1200/1500, multiplexing of absolute adresses
- Support of S7-1500 Software / Open Controller
- OPC UA DA (Server and Client)
- OPC UA A&C (Server)
- OPC UA A&C (Client) for SINUMERIK
- 3rd Party communication: Modbus TCP/IP, Omron, EtherNet/IP, Mitsubishi TCP/IP MELSEC iQR, iQF, FX3 and Q
Enhancements of controls
- Alarm hitlist / statistical evaluation of alarms (for PC)
. Display statistics and frequency of alarms
. Configurable statistic view for alarms in the control
. print statistical data or direct integration of alarm statistic to reports
- Function trend control f(X) (also available for Panel)
. Displaying and analysis of data without time-based relationship
- System diagnostic (Panel & PC)
. Diagnose indikator
. PLC Diagnose Buffer as new control
Technological Hierarchie (only PC)
- Scripting: Extended scripting model for script support of screen navigation of plant objects
- Extensions of the Plant Overview Control:
. Control settings are hideable (e.g. buttons, breadcrumb navigation) at engineering
. Configurable root node for the initial plant view (e.g. display a dedicated line instead of the whole plant)
. Dynamical navigation (reduce visible tree size by showing only one hierarchy level at once)
. Search for plant objects
. Styles Support for the Plant Overview Control
Openness and scripting (Panel & PC)
- Enhancements in the scripting enditor
. Copying events and system function
. Object picker for screens
. Improved IntelliSense functionality and auto-completion
- Additional system functions
. e.g. UpdateTag
- Openness RT
. Extension to browse for the OpenPipe interface
Reporting (base) (for PC, new for Panel)
- Included in the WinCC Unified delivery is a Microsoft Excel Addin to create reports for tags, logging tags, alarms and alarm statistics, as well as for context and audit information (for PC). The reports themselfs are filled with data runtime.
- No licence is required for the creation of report templates in Excel and the manual execution of reports in Excel or from the report runtime control.
- Style support for the reporting control
New features for options
- Option „Operate Client“ (new for Panel)
. WinnCC Unified Comfort Panel supports the option „Operate Client“
. Up to 3 external "Operate Clients" can be connected to an Unified Comfort Panel
- Option „Monitor Client“ (new for PC)
. New license „Monitor Client“ available for WinCC Unified PC
. The user is able to monitor the process without possibilites to operate the process
. Process values cannot bei changed via the "Monitor Client".
- Option „Audit Basis“ (new for PC)
. Definition von auditrelevanten Prozesswerten,
. elektronische Speicherung (wer, wann, alter Wert, neuer Wert, Kommentar)
. Berichterstellung (inkl. Manipulation Detektion)
- Option „Reporting Execution“ (for Panel and PC)
. Verteilung von erstellten Berichten über einen E-Mail-Verteiler
. Speichern der erstellten Berichte in ein konfigurierbares lokales Verzeichnis
. Einbeziehung von Audit-Informationen, Alarmstatistiken und der PI Optionen PFI, ShC und Line Coordination
- Option „Parameter Control“ (for Panel and PC)
. Support of complexe structures parameter set types (e.g.. UDT in UDT)
. Hide parameter table for simplified view of parameter control
- Option „Unified Collaboration”(new for Panel)
. Flexible configuration scenarios through screens sharing between Unified Systems
. Access to screens of other WinCC Unified projects via Unified Collaboration
View of Things (VoT)
Use the WinCC Unified technology to create wev pages (screens) runnig directly on the PLC web server.
- Simple configuration of screens for the web pages instead of coding the pages
- Use of identical screen editor (known from Unified PC and Panel) for engineering this pages
- Use of one common engineering environment - TIA Portal
WinCC Unified Tag Simulator (new)
- The WinCC Unified Tag Simulator is used to simulate internal variables and process variables. You can use it, for example, to simulate the behaviour of objects and scripts in the WinCC project.
- To project and activate the simulation, use the simulator "Variable simulation".
Extension for the Runtime Managers (PC)
- Auto start of the Runtime Service: a project can be defined for an RT station, which is automatically started as a service after a restart of the RT station.
- Setting option for autoscaling in a web browser; this adjusts the relative sizes of the images to those of the web browser.
- Integration of relocated database segments
- Manage 3rd party certificates(e.g. for OPC UA Client)
Unified Certificate Manager
- On a PC certificates (HTTPS, OPC UA, Runtime Collaboration, …) can be created.
- The certificates can then be manually transferred to a WinCC Unified Comfort Panel.
Support of TIA Portal options
- Central User Management (UMC)
. For Panel: local operation
. For PC-Systems: For login via „Client Operate“ and „Client Monitor“
- SiVArc V17
- PLCSIM (109784439) / PLCSIM Advanced V17



Fast Commissioning
As of TIA Portal V17 it will be possible to allow commissioning more efficiently with STEP 7 Safety. In the future, program adjustments can be made in the F-program in deactivated safety mode and then loaded into the controller during operation. The combination of deactivated safety operation and fast commissioning enables more efficient work due to reduced compile times, since only the program created by the user is translated and loaded into the controller. After completion of the adjustments, the complete F program can be generated, loaded consistently into the controller and activated by a final reinitialization by a stop-start transition. The commissioning can then be completed with the acceptance of the safety program.

Nesdet UDTs
In order to optimally structure data in the security program, it is possible to create F-compliant data types up to a nesting depth of 8. All data types allowed in the security program can be used as F-PLC data types.

Groupe Signatur
If the security program is placed in multiple groups, the new group signature can be used to locate changes more quickly. For this purpose, the acceptance can be compared with the already accepted safety program and the acceptance can be carried out more efficiently.

Support of UMAC (User Management and Access Control)
In the future, access protection can also be implemented for the F-program user-specific / role-specific via a safety engineering function right.

Openness Extensions
The available openness functionalities have also been extended with STEP 7 Safety V17.
- Write access for most attributes of the Safety Administration Editor (SAE)
- Konfiguration des Safety Engineering Passworts (setzten, zurücksetzen, sperren, entsperren)
- Configuration of the Safety Engineering password (reset, reset, lock, unlock)
- Safety documentation generation possible (safety printout)
- Loading changes in the standard software or standard hardware configuration to an F-PLC with unchanged safety program / safety hardware configuration
The Openness extensions now provide full functionality for the standard application while using a security program at the same time.
TIA Portal provides users with a continuous engineering workflow and offers end-to-end standardization of automation through TIA Portal libraries that store tested modules for its user’s programs. TIA Portal also enables fully integrated engineering workflows based on the model of Continuous Integration, in which developers work as a coordinated team on automation projects.

Efficient engineering also means designing applications instead of programming them. Two new control program editors have been added to TIA Portal V17 for graphical configuration. The CFC Editor for Simatic S7-1500 can be used to interconnect function blocks as a continuous function chart (CFC) and therefore easily configure a signal flow diagram.

This is especially valuable for users who already use CFCs in other projects and can now use the familiar program structure in TIA Portal as well. Developers can also create functions as a cause-and-effect matrix (CEM) by simply interconnecting ready-made logic modules in the CEM Editor for Simatic S7-1500 and S7-1200.

Using a matrix, developers can configure the dependencies between the modules according to the principle of cause and effect. This type of configuration is especially straightforward thanks to the graphical user interface. It’s also very useful for troubleshooting logical connections between machine states, because relationships between modules are displayed at a glance.

Highlights TIA Portal V17
- Standardization with more flexible library concepts
- Collaborative work on projects with the project server and multiusers
- Increased software quality with TIA Portal Test Suite
- New functions for user management
- Centralized reporting and diagnostic concepts with OPC UA Alarms and Conditions
- Creating simple web-based visualization solutions with Unified View of Things

TIA Portal V17

Siemens Digital Industries Software is driving transformation to enable a digital enterprise where engineering, manufacturing and electronics design meet tomorrow. The Xcelerator portfolio helps companies of all sizes create and leverage digital twins that provide organizations with new insights, opportunities and levels of automation to drive innovation.

Product: Siemens Simatic STEP 7 incl. Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC
Version: 17.0 buld 0 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://support.industry.siemens.com/
Language: multilanguage **
System Requirements: PC ***
Size: 25.7 Gb

** The TIA Portal V17 can be directly installed in the languages German, English and Chinese. The languages French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese and Korean can be installed later using the TIA Administrator.

* release info:

The following installation package are available for V17: STEP 7 Basic/Professional incl. Safety und WinCC Basic/Comfort/Advanced and WinCC Unified:

This package includes STEP 7 and WinCC with the complete function setup for STEP 7 Professional, WinCC Advanced and WinCC Unified.

The different editor functionalities are unlocked based on the avialable licences key. This setup can be used for the following products:

- STEP 7 Basic
- STEP 7 Professional
- STEP 7 Safety Basic
- STEP 7 Safety Advanced
- WinCC Basic
- WinCC Comfort
- WinCC Advanced
- WinCC Unified

SIMATIC STEP 7 is the world's best known and most widely used programming software in industrial automation. SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal) impresses with its innovative engineering for proven and new SIMATIC controllers.

SIMATIC STEP 7 Professional V17: Is the high-performance and integrated engineering system for the latest SIMATIC controllers S7-1500, S7-1200, S7-300, S7-400, WinAC and ET 200 CPU. S7-PLCSIM for simulation of the S7-1500, S7-1200 CPU as well as SIMATIC WinCC Basic, for configuration of Basic Panels and SINAMICS Startdrive for configuration of drives are included in the scope of delivery.
SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic V17: Is the easy-to-use engineering system for the small modular SIMATIC S7-1200 controller and the corresponding I/O devices. It includes S7-PLCSIM for simulating the S7-1200 CPU and SIMATIC WinCC Basic for configuration of the SIMATIC Basic Panels.

SIMATIC WinCC V17 provides an integrated engineering system with outstanding usability for the current SIMATIC Panel and PC systems. SIMATIC WinCC V17 also includes visualization software for HMI Runtime stations for single-user and multi-user solutions.

SIMATIC WinCC Unified V17 is a completely new visualization system which allows you to successfully master the challenges posed by digitalization in mechanical and plant engineering. State-of-the-art hardware and software technologies support these solutions now and in the future. Proven engineering in TIA Portal, latest web technology and high power reserves for the coming years, along with the freedom that you can implement your ideas as you wish.

The TIA Portal add-on package SIMATIC STEP 7 Safety Basic / Advanced offers a wide range of persuasive new engineering features and supports the extended portfolio of S7-1500F and S7-1200F.

STEP 7 Safety Basic V17 is the add-on package for parameter assignment and programming of the fail-safe S7-1200.
STEP 7 Safety Advanced V17 is the add-on package for all fail-safe TIA SIMATIC controller classes (S7-1500, S7-1200, S7-1500 Software Controller, S7-300, S7-400, WinAC).

WinCC Panel Images
WinCC Legacy Panel Images
The Operator Panel software for the SIMATIC HMI Operator Panels also undergoes continuous development. For this purpose, SIEMENS provides image files that have to be transferred to the respective Operator Panel. Please note that the image version installed on the Operator Panel must match the configured engineering software. Whenyou configure a new Operator Panel, WinCC (TIA Portal) automatically selects the latest device version.If you want to use a different device version on an Operator Panel than the one set in WinCC (TIA Portal), then transfer the image file to the OperatorPanel, e.g., using ProSave. Details are described in the following sections

*** System Requirements:



WinCC Unified V17

System requirements and compatibility with other SIMATIC products
- STEP 7 Safety Advanced V17 requires STEP 7 Professional V17
- STEP 7 Safety Basic V17 requires at least STEP 7 Basic V17
Refer to STEP 7 Professional V17 for the supported operating systems and hardware requirements. The compatibility with other SIMATIC products is the same as for STEP 7 Basic / Professional V17.

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只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2021-06-05 08:21:25
SIMATIC STEP 7 (TIA Portal) impresses with its innovative engineering for proven and new SIMATIC controllers.

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只看该作者 7 发表于: 2021-06-05 09:42:45
Siemens Simatic STEP 7 incl. Safety, S7-PLCSIM and WinCC V17

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