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[编程开发]DBISAM DBISAM 4.49B4 D10 to 10.4.1 / Suite 4.40 for XE 10.2.2 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2021-08-19 20:21:40
Dbisam by Elevate Software is a database engine that can be compiled directly into Delphi, Kylix, C ++ Builder and Borland programming studio and can be used as a program or library, or as a package in Running distributed as part of its programs. The engine is designed in a preset database program and can be installed quickly and easily. Dbisam provides reverse engineering features, which allow you to easily create SQL scripts, Delphi code, and C ++ Builder.
It is written in Delphi and Pascal programming languages ​​and can be used with VCL and CLX libraries. This database engine is itself a lightweight TDBISAMEngine component engine. When the TDBISAMEngine property type is set to etClient, this component acts as a local client engine, and when set to etServer it acts as a database server.

Features and Features of Dbisam:

  • Used in Hospital Management, Management, Tax Preparation, Payroll Services, Website Programs
  • Create, update, rebuild, search and print DBISAM tables from a user-friendly interface
  • Easy to manage DBISAM database server
  • Move BDE tables to DBISAM format with a few clicks
  • Common data types including BCD, BLOB, GUID
  • Encrypt tables using strong encryption
  • Insert a long name for the field names and write descriptions for the specified tables
  • Support for remote client server access to the database
  • Manually backup and restore the database
  • Optimize output and import tables
Click here for the full Dbisam information.

required system

Delphi 7, 10.1, 10.2.2


Installation guide

After installing the file in the Crack folder copy the installation path and replace it with the existing one. The server must be stopped and logged out to replace it.


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