利拉-CAD多功能软件综合体,设计用于设计和计算各种用途的建筑和机械结构(设计计算程序)。计算基于静态(力和变形)和动态影响。选择或检查钢和/或钢筋混凝土结构的截面。将绘制 KM 工作图纸和单个 J.b. 元素的草图。
- 俄罗斯法规遵从性证书罗斯 RU.SP15.H00615
- 版权注册证书编号:2011年6月25日第38885号
- 联邦环境、技术和原子监督局软件工具认证护照 PS #193
LIRA-SAPR is comprehensive software package for analysis and design of building and mechanical engineering structures of different purposes.Static (forces and displacements) and dynamic analyses are available.The program enables the user to select and check sections of steel and (or) reinforced concrete structures.Preliminary drawings of steel structures as well as separate reinforced concrete elements may be presented.Lira software has the following certificates:- Certificate of compliance to building codes of RF (from June 03, 2013 to June 02, 2015).- Copyright certificate No. 38885 from June 25, 2011. 附件出售: