VectorCAST 2022 SP8 (x64) | 1.9 GB
VectorCAST是领先的专门用于高可靠性和高安全性软件的自动化动态测试工具链,覆盖软件的单元测试、模块测试、集成测试、系统功能测试、回归测试和覆盖率分析等软件全生命周期SDLC的主要测试环节。VectorCAST支持对C, C++和Ada语言的测试,尤其适用于对嵌入式软件应用的测试。用户使用VectorCAST不仅可以显著提高软件的质量、测试效率和完整性,还能有效满足诸如功能安全和适航等多种行业的合规性要求。The VectorCAST embedded software testing platform is a family of products that automates testing activities across the software development lifecycle. The purpose of this section is to provide a high-level view of what the VectorCAST products do, how they interwork, and how you might best use them to fully meet your own software testing needs. Advantages-Focus on Embedded Systems-Enable Continuous and Collaborative Testing-Provide the most Automated Tools possible-Works with your existing software development tools What is RTCA DO-178C; EUROCAE ED-12COne of the key requirements in the software verification process of DO-178C and ED-12C is achieving structural code coverage in conjunction with the testing of the highlevel and low-level software requirements. These documents classify software into five levels of criticality based on whether atypical software behavior could cause or contribute to the failure of a system function. The table below shows the relationship between the failure condition category and the structural coverage objective as defined the standards.
System Requirements:-Windows 12-Windows 10-Windows 8.1-Windows Server-Windows 8 Home Page -购买后,将显示帖子中所有出售内容。