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[行业软件]DevExpress VCL Subscription 22.2.3 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-04-17 19:37:27

DevExpress VCL Subscription 22.2.3 | 740.9 mb

The Team DevExpress (Developer Express) is pleased to announce the availability of DevExpress VCL Subscription 22.2.3 is complete range of award-winning VCL Controls along with priority support and full source code.

What's new in VCL Controls 22.2

New Major Features

New Vector Graphics for UI Elements
We continue to enhance our UI controls to better support high DPI (4K+) devices and improve rendering regardless of DPI settings. The following controls can now display SVG graphics within UI elements, menus, and dialogs:
- Chart View in ExpressQuantumGrid
- Data Editors
- PDF Viewer
- Rich Text Editor
- Scheduler
- Spreadsheet
- TreeList
Our VCL controls will display SVG icons by default in v23.1. Enable our new global dxUseVectorIcons option in the initialization section of the main application unit to display SVG icons. This particular option has been enabled in our demos so you can see the difference when compared to previous versions.

"Light" Style Rendering
Clean, simple, and minimalistic UI design is a trend in modern software development. To address this trend, we added a "light" style rendering mode to our VCL Data Grid (ExpressQuantumGrid), and will support this mode in other UI controls in v23.1. When used, our VCL UI controls are rendered without double or thick borders, extra outlines, and other visual noise.
Call the TdxVisualRefinements.ApplyLightStyle class procedure in the initialization section of the main application unit to enable "light" style rendering.

New Sizable Panel
Our new Panel (TdxPanel) control is designed to break down a form into multiple resizable regions divided by one-pixel splitters. You can place a control on such a panel without gaps or double borders and create lightweight application layouts as needs dictate.

VCL Rendering Engine for Modern App-Design Paradigms and New Skins - Phase #1
Modern app-design trends and new themes like Windows 11 required us to rewrite our rendering engine for both greater performance and UI flexibility - the old schema could not address additional usage scenarios introduced by Windows 11. Our new "Light Style" rendering mode also required updates to old drawing schemas. We expect to deliver our new VCL rendering engine in our next major update (v23.1). Once we ship the new engine, we'll be in position to deliver new vector skins and help you ship more compelling/elegant user interfaces.
With this release (v22.2), we've completed the initial phase of our strategy:
- Fixed 40+ component layout and image-related issues across all VCL product demos and associated UI controls.
- Gathered unsupported UI scenarios and performance requirements for our 2023 rendering engine (to support the Windows 11 skin, new skin and palette selectors, "Light Style" mode, etc).

Resolved Issues

This list includes all issues that were resolved in 22.2.3.

ExpressBars Suite
T1135136 – A Stack Overflow exception occurs when using keyboard shortcuts to set focus on a TcxBarEditItem in RibbonT1137810 – An Access Violation error occurs if a style is created without TcxStyleRepository and is assigned to a component's Style property
ExpressEditors Library
T1136110 – An application crashes when end users use TdxShellListView to navigate through folders whose content is changedT1139043 – cxMemo - The vertical scrollbar overlaps an editor's button
T1136908 – Size of an in-place TcxLookupComboBox popup window is reset if the dataset's properties are changed in the grid column's PropertiesOnPopup event handler
T1132019 – TcxHintStyleController - The ShowHint method does not take the AMaxWidth parameter value into account if hint text is formatted
ExpressLayout Control
T1108438 – TdxLayoutLabeledItem isn't sized according to other items in a group
T1131405 – The font size of controls is not scaled if TcxEditStyleController or TcxLookAndFeelController are in TDatamodule
T1093821 – The height of screentip separators is too big for the Basic, Office2019~, and TheBezier skins
T1107745 – TdxPDFDocument - "Invalid Class typecast" error is thrown on loading a document with interactive fields
T1130827 – TdxPDFViewer does not display the content of specific PDF documents
ExpressPrinting System
T1134237 – The [Total Pages] expression always returns 1 in PDF Print Dialog
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
T1128157 – A found record/node loses focus after pressing the arrow down key in FindPanel
T1139435 – All Banded Views - A band's HeaderAlignmentVert property has no effect if the View's OptionsView.BandHeaderEndEllipsis property is set to True
T1121621 – cxGridDBLayoutView - If an item is selected, but the following item is disabled (Focusing = False), the Tab key doesn't focus the next available item
T1130919 – The "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" exception occurs on restoring a Grid View's layout after the FindPanel visibility is changed
T1093984 – The default icon of the filter builder dialog is blurry on a monitor whose DPI is higher than 96
T1136929 – The height of table view rows is scaled incorrectly if the OptionsView.DataRowHeight property is assigned
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
T1139438 – A band's caption is not aligned to center if the band's Caption.AlignVert property is set to vaCenter and Caption.MultiLine property is set to True
T1128157 – A found record/node loses focus after pressing the arrow down key in FindPanel
T1139331 – Access Violation occurs on invoking the customization form
T1134426 – cxDBTreeList - A Stack overflow error is thrown in some use cases
T1093984 – The default icon of the filter builder dialog is blurry on a monitor whose DPI is higher than 96
ExpressRichEdit Control
T1138644 – Descriptions for the DOC and DOCX formats in the Open/Save dialog filters do not comply with the latest version of Microsoft Office 365
T1126048 – Export to XLS - Microsoft Excel opens an exported document in read-only mode with a warning if the document contains a certain combination of styles
T1133563 – Report Designer - It is impossible to localize the < NO DATA TO DISPLAY > message
T1125751 – The size of Spreadsheet XLS files grows exponentially on each load/save cycle
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
T1128157 – A found record/node loses focus after pressing the arrow down key in FindPanel
T1139331 – Access Violation occurs on invoking the customization form
Installation (VCL)
T1135556 – The "Resource CX_DATAROWFIXEDONTOP not found" error occurs at application startup if the dxUseVectorIcons global constant is set to True and the application is built with runtime packages

DevExpress VCL Subscription includes VCL components for: data entry, charting, data analysis, navigation, layout, grids, scheduling, styling, reporting, printing, planning. All components are feature-complete and built for speed regardless of data complexity or size. Emulate the look, feel and capabilities of Microsoft Office or replicate the dock-based UI of Visual Studio or Adobe Photoshop and take your Delphi and C++Builder applications to an entirely new level with familiar features end-users have come to rely upon. It's everything you need to build your best in one integrated suite.
A high performance Data Grid (CTP) component for FireMonkey (FMX) with integrated data grouping and master-detail support. Built and optimized for RAD Studio / Delphi / C++ Builder. This component is not a port of the ExpressQuantumGrid – it is an entirely new product with an entirely new code base. It has been designed and optimized for FireMonkey and cross-platform development. Supports Windows, Android, and macOS platforms.

EmbarcaderoTechnology Partner Spotlight - DevExpress VCL Controls

DevExpress (Developer Express) is a software development company based in the United States. It produces coding assistance tools and components for Delphi, C++ Builder and Microsoft Visual Studio developers. The major part of its product line is VCL, .NET WinForms and ASP.NET components that replicate the UI of Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office applications. DevExpress has won many industry awards for its products.

Product: DevExpress VCL Subscription
Version: VCL 22.2.3, FMX(CTP) 20.1.2
Supported Architectures: x86 or x64
Website Home Page : www.devexpress.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Software Prerequisites: Embarcadero C++ Builder or Delphi *
Size: 740.9 mb

* System Requirements:

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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-04-18 13:14:42

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