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[行业软件]Civil Survey Solutions Stringer Topo 24.0 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2023-05-03 21:56:49

Civil Survey Solutions Stringer Topo 24.0 | 1.2 Gb

Civil Survey Applications (ex. Solutions), a Silver Partner of Autodesk, is pleased to announce the availability of Stringer Topo V24.0. The latest update includes the addition of a convenient toolspace to quickly access a list of all points, surfaces, alignments and strings that you have created.

New Features In Stringer Topo V24

A Stringer Topo Toolspace has been created for V24 to provide direct access to your survey data. From the Toolspace you can edit settings, import and reduce survey data, as well as create and manage point groups, points, survey strings and surfaces. This new dockable Toolspace palette adds the benefit of contextual access to all key Stringer functionality via a simple right click on an object in the Toolspace, bypassing navigation across the ribbon interface.

Hover on points or strings in the Toolspace to highlight in the drawing, and right click to zoom. Buttons along the bottom of the Toolspace provide core command access such as Stringer Connect, create points, multi symbols, group tables and more.

The Convert to Points command, useful for taking 2D and 3D data in the drawing to create COGO Points, has been enhanced to allow layer pick from the drawing. If you are importing Leica XML files, you now have an option to import the coordinated point geometry in the file (if available) instead of processing the observational data.

A new Update All button has been added to update points, point groups, survey strings, group tables and surfaces via a single button click, instead of the various object-specific updates we had before.

If you aren’t running on Autodesk 2024 products, that’s no reason not to upgrade your Stringer Topo. Stringer Topo V24 is available on AutoCAD 2018-2024, Civil 3D 2018-2024 and BricsCAD.

As per every update, we’ve also implemented fixes to address customer reported issues. Check out the Release Notes for further information.

- When using Draw Cadastral Lines, the created polyline now matches the direction implied by the inputs – previously it was drawn in reverse direction
- Fixed an issue where toggling on 3D polylines in the Survey String Settings would result in the 3D polyline being drawn multiple times and the previous (outdated) line not being removed
- Point Styles
. Fixed an issue where while ‘Multi-Select’ was active, deselecting all point styles caused an error message to occur.
. Using the ‘Reference external.dwg’ file now correctly updates when switching between blocks
- Stringer Connect
. Fixed an issue where having excess fields in a coordinated shot caused an error message to occur
- Survey String Manager
. Resolved an issue where editing Point Groups while Survey String Manager was open caused an error message to appear

Stringer Topo streamlines the reduction and presentation of survey observations whether you are using AutoCAD, Civil 3D or BricsCAD. Developed by surveyors with over 20 years experience in the industry, Stringer Topo focuses on maximizing your efficiency in adding and editing break lines, automating linework creation, adding and editing point data, creating surfaces, legends and tables. Whether you are doing boundary surveys, pre-design site surveys, as built surveys, monthly stock pile volume calculations or even basic design for access roads and ponds Stringer Topo has proven tools optimized for your needs.
Stringer Topo V24 has been released to support the Autodesk 2024 products, including a number of new and improved features.

Stringer Topo v24 | Highlights

Check out the latest round of new features and improvements included in Stringer Topo V24.00. The latest update includes the addition of a convenient toolspace to quickly access a list of all points, surfaces, alignments and strings that you have created. Simply right click on any item in the list to bring up a context menu of commands.
Civil Survey Solutions is an Autodesk Partner specialising in the Civil Engineering/Survey industry. We provides sales, implementations, technical support and training for AutoCAD and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Also as an Autodesk developer, Civil Survey Solutions have developed applications to enhance the CAD environment with products such as Civil Site Design and Stringer, which is being used world wide by designers. Civil Survey Solutions aims to deliver superior technical support and customer service - offering a quality developed product with exceptional value, for both the Civil Engineering Designers and Surveyors Industry Applications developed by Civil Survey Solutions - Civil Site Design - Stringer Topo - Stringer ePlan - Stringer ASpec - Site Leveller Autodesk Products - AutoCAD - AutoCAD Civil 3D.

Product: Civil Survey Applications (ex. Solutions) Stringer Topo
Version: 24.0 (1276) for Autodesk Civil 3D 2015 - 2024
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://civilsitedesign.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.2 Gb

* System Requirements:


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2023-05-04 19:28:31

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