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- 2025-02-23
Bentley STAAD.Pro 是结构分析和设计软件领域的领导者。Bentley STAAD.Pro 是专业人士选择所有类型的结构,包括涵洞、石化厂、隧道、桥梁、公寓楼以及许多其他钢、混凝土、木材、铝和冷弯钢结构。Bentley STAAD.Pro GOST R 认证系统进行认证。 STAAD.Pro 2024.00.02 Revision HistoryAnalysis/Design Engine: (42)
487630 - The method used to determine the buckling factor using the iterative method has been updated to provide a more consistent result to that produced from the advanced eigen solution. 487657 - The details included in the output file for a model solved with a direct analysis or P-delta analysis has been updated with a revised message if the instruction PRINT MEMBER SECTION FORCES has been included. As the second order effects are only accounted for in the member ends, a note has been added to inform the user that the internal forces reported do not account for the secondary effects. 488029 - The routine used to calculate wind loads on open structures has been updated to account for the shape of angle profile members. Note that this was previously documented as a Known Issue thus- The wind loading routine does not account for beta angles on angle profiles. Note that the resolution of issue 487893 in STAAD.Pro 2023 -2 introduced a change in the magnitude of load applied to angle profiles to reflect the orientation of angle profiles with their principal rather than geometric axes. 496342 - The method used to determine the threshold of 'significant mass', required for it to be considered in the eigen solutions, has been updated. If the sum of applied mass assigned in a given direction, but determined to be below this threshold an error mess age would be reported as 'Insufficient Memory', which now reports as 'No Mass Found'. Note that the threshold was previously set as 1.0e-8, and has been lowered to 1.0e-12 807812 - The design of cold formed sections to the BS5950-5 or CSA S136 codes has been updated to better process the properties from the profile databases. However if attempting to design a profile from the US cold formed database table of Z with lips using BS5950-5, there is a limit that the value of Is must be greater than Ia. Note that this was previously reported as a Known Issue thus- The cold formed steel design routine used in the BS5950-pt 5 and CSA S136 that process the section properties does not properly account for the geometry of US Cold formed Angle without lips, British cold formed Z with lips, Butler Zee Purlins, European CHS section and Russian cold formed pipe sections and should not be used with these profiles. 937039 - The routine used to determine the wind load intensity has been updated to improve a tolerance when processing wind loads using metric units. 946144 - The routine used to design steel members to the Indian steel code IS 800:2007, both WSD and LSD methods, has been updated to address an issue when the profile of the member being designed is defined with the major and minor inertias inverted, that is IY being the major inertia and IZ being the minor. Or for a model defined with Z UP the equivalent being IZ being the major inertia and IY being the minor. This can occur when using a Tee profile with a thick flange and small web. The design routine now manages this situation. Note that this was previously documented as a Known Issue 1034805 - The AISC 360-16 design routine has been updated to address an issue in which additional copies of the general design statement would be added in the output when taper members were included in the members being designed. 1081757 - The option to turn off any NOTE messages in the ANL file generated as part of the analysis is now included when using the command SET NOTE OFF. 1225391 - The routine used to determine loading on a panel defined by a GROUP command has been updated to manage groups which not only define the boundary, but also include members that lie inside the panel boundary such as frames which include brace members. Note that this was previously reported as a Known Issue thus- The algorithm used by the wind loading routine in determining wind panels when provided a defined group can incorrectly define panels when encountering members that form braces across the wind panel. 1351528 - The Australian steel design code AS 4100-1998 has been updated to correctly identify the clause 5.3.1 for the member capacity of fully laterally restrained members. Note the design value was correct, just the clause misquoted. 1391770 - The design to the American Petroleum Institute (API 2A-WSD) has been updated to correct an issue which would result in the correct value being reported, but the governing clause was not correct. This has been corrected. 1402417 - The report for serviceability checks to the Canadian steel design codes CSA S16-09/14/19 has been updated to address an issue which would be encountered if the length unit was set with an English unit. The value result is reported in metric units (MMS), but the label would show this as a value in inches. 1425232 - The routine that processes a time history load case has been updated to prevent the display of a warning message ' ** WARNING: ELEMENT JOINT DISPLACEMENT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR TIME HISTORY LOAD' which was being reported even if a PRINT ELEMENT JOINT DISPLACEMENT command had not been specified for this load case. 1431170 - The steel design routine used for the Japanese codes AIJ 2002 and 2005 has been updated to address an issue in the axial compression and flexure checks (6.2) and axial tension and flexure check (6.4) in which the overall ratio of the equation was being taken as an absolute value, however it is only the components of the equation that should be taken as absolute values. 1456423 - An additional warning has been added when designing HSS round (CHS) profiles to AISC 360-16/22 if they are extremely slender, i.e D/t> 0.45 E/Fy. When testing for flexure, if this threshold is crossed a warning is reported, but the program will still carry on with other checks. Previously this would skip the check, but not report the threshold had been crossed. 1469644 - The generic steel design routine which reports messages in the output file has been updated to prevent the situation where an error message can be duplicated. 1470822 - The effective section properties calculated for the cold formed steel codes AISI 2016 and AS 4600-2018 have been updated to ensure that these values do not exceed the basic unreduced values . 1480399 - The analysis engine has been updated to address an issue which would occur when processing external UPT files type GENERAL that had multiple entries with profile points. Reading the file to obtain the data during analysis would cause the program to crash. 1480504 - The general AISC 360 design processing routine has been updated to address an identified memory leak which reduced performance on larger models. 1480538 - The generic steel design process has been enhanced to provide optimisation on profiles in tables defined in one of the new Standard database formats. Note that this applies to a table which is of a shape that the design typically code supports. 1481437 - The routine that processes the command STEEL TAKEOFF when used in conjunction with the Canadian steel code S16-19 has been updated to address an error which the unit label was incorrectly being printed, although the value is correct as per the current unit. 1482280 - The AS 4100 1998 and 2020 design codes have been updated for the design of HSS round (CHS) profiles. The formula used to determine the shear area incorrectly used only half the cross section area resulting in underestimating the shear capacity of these profiles. 1482296 - The Australian steel design routines for designing physical members to AS 4100 1998 and 2020 have been updated to catch a situation in which the direction of axial force changes along the physical member. If the physical member is formed from multiple analytical parts and as such the axial load in one part is tension and the other compression, then the slenderness would be reported based on the axial force direction of the last part. If that was say tension, then the maximum tension slenderness would be reported and may miss that there are parts in compression which may have a larger slenderness ratio. This situation has been trapped and now the maximum slenderness, be it compression or tension from all analytical parts is reported. 1496086 - The designs of cantilever members to the Canadian steel code CSA S16-19 have been updated to correct the calculation of the Critical Elastic Moment, which would fail to trap the condition when the value of X as defined in clause 13.6(h)(i), lies outside the range given in the clause. 1500567 - The AISC 360 2016 design of equal angle profiles has been updated to address an issue in determining the value of clause H2 Unsymmetric and other members subject to flexure and axial force, eqn (H2-1) = axial stress ratio + major axis bending stress ratio + minor axis bending stress ratio. When determining the value of stresses at the heel of the angle, the component about the major axis, which should be zero, can be non-zero due to a rounding tolerance, resulting in a significant component to the equation. This situation has been trapped and now will not impact the check. 1501761 - The Indian steel design code IS800-1984 has been updated to remove a restriction that was introduced in STAAD.Pro 2023 that prevented members defined with rectangular prismatic profile. 1507931 - A reporting issue for members designed to the Australian steel code AS 4100 1998 has been addressed in which the critical condition is defined to be at the start of the member and it has no applied moment, such as a simply supported beam. In such a situation, the shear capacity is incorrectly reported, although internally calculated and used correctly. 1521972 - The routine that processes the commands defined for a Steady State analysis has been updated to catch if a command PRINT HARMONIC DISPLACEMENTS has been defined by does not include a required list of nodes. This situation would cause the analysis to crash, but now gets caught and an error message reported before terminating the analysis. 1532490 - The routine in the analysis engine that processes support displacement loads has been updated to account for when the model also includes inclined node loads. The combination of the two commands was conflicting and resulted in the analysis crashing. This situation is now managed by the analysis engine so both loading types can exist in the same model.. 1533731 - Connection Tag commands are processed by the analysis engine (although not used by the engine) as they are defined as MEMBER ATTRIBUTES 1540805 - The design of members to the Eurocode EN1993-1-1 with torsion using the parameter TOR 2, has been updated to address an issue where the torsion moment was zero at one end of the member would result in the report showing the member having no capacity. This situation has now been trapped and the issue has been addressed. 1543790 - The method to determine the minor axis section modulus of channel profiles when designed with all editions of both the AISC 360 and the Canadian CSA S16 codes, have been updated to trap an issue in which this would be calculated based on the dimension CZ (distance from the centroid to the back of the web) of the first profile in the design command. All other channel members would then use this value of CZ in determining their elastic moduli. 1544037 - The method used to monitor and report on the progress of a P-Delta analysis has been updated in the analysis engine to better identify when the results are starting to diverge with each iteration. 1547404 - The design of HSS profiles to the AISC 360-16 and 2022 codes has been updated to address a situation where the thickness for the design of the profile was not being reduced by the 0.93 factor specified in clause B 4.2. of the code. This issue is dependant on the source of the data. If the profile used was from the legacy American database, then the reduction was correctly accounted for. However, if the profile was from any other database or a UPT, in which the given value of T is the nominal thickness, then this value was used as the design thickness without any reduction, The program has been updated to now apply the reduction factor to the thickness for design on all HSS profiles. 1548004 - The design of HSS round (CHS) profiles that have been classed as slender with AISC 360-16 or 22, have incorrectly determined the effective area, Ae. Instead of using clause E 7-6 or E 7-7, the program was determining the area using the equation for Ae given in the note below eqn (E7-1). 1550778 - The design of tension members to the Australian codes AS 4100-1998 and 2020 have been updated to account for the Correction Factor Kt (as defined in table 7.3.2) such that any value <1.0 was not being processed and a value of 1.0 was being used. 1550867 - The design of very slender HSS round (CHS) profiles using the AISC 360-2005 or 2010 editions has been updated to include a warning if the slenderness D/t exceeds a limit of 0.45 E/Fy. 1554035 - The Australian steel design code has been updated with a revised method to determine the shear area of double angle profiles which was previously using the method defined in the AISC publications. 1554653 - The SELECT routine used with the Indian steel design code, IS 800-1984 has been updated to provide a warning message if the routine is attempting to select profiles from a catalogue of shapes that it does not support. 1557415 - The methods of SELECT and SELECT OPTIMISED have been retired from the cold formed steel design modules BS 5950-5 and CSA-S136. Note also that these codes currently only support design of profiles defined in a legacy database and currently not the newer standard database. 1559731 - For a single angle profile designed to AISC 360-16/22, if the user defined value of lateral-torsional buckling modification factor Cb, is set to be calculated by the program, by setting the parameter CB to 0.0, the Eqn. F10-4 limits this Cb value to 1.5. This limit is not set in the program, resulting in some cases where Cb is evaluated and used with values greater than 1.5. This would lead to an overestimation of the lateral-torsional buckling capacity of the section. Note: For designs performed to AISC 360-05/10, the calculated value of Cb for single angle profiles may be reported in a TRACK 2 output with a value >1.5, however the design itself does put in place a limit of 1.5, thus the results are not affected by this issue.
Analytical Workflow: (17)
886160 - The method used to provide the values of S1 and SS for seismic load definitions to the IBC 2018 code has been updated when using the zip code to obtain the values from the USGS website. 887383 - The method used in the Seismic Definitions dialog to create an IBC 2018/ASCE 7-16 load definition has been updated when using the this as a tool to determine the values of spectral response factors S1 and SS. These values are determined by accessing a service provided by the USGS which previously would be triggered automatically. In this release, the action to obtain the values is now triggered by clicking on a button and acknowledging that this service is being called. 1100215 - The method used to determine wind panels has been updated to better determine the distribution of loads in more complex shaped panels. 1334539 - The link to the help documentation from the Help button on steel design parameters and commands has been reinstated. 1335640 - Two new methods have been added to the Effective Length Calculation tool to provides solutions for members designed to the Eurocode using publications SN 008a and SN009a for beams and columns. Additionally, the tool has been modified to allow for easier assignment of only the selected parameters as well as providing some insights on the factors used to determine the parameters. 1378256 - The method used to graphically indicate the loading on the model has been updated to address an issue which could occur if the load case included a REPEAT LOAD command which was defined ahead of the member loads in the data. Additionally the routine that illustrates the loads in a selected load case has been updated to include loads from a REPEAT load command if included in the load case. 1398892 - The routine used to determine loading panels impacted by wind definitions has been updated to address an issue in which inclined panels would be not considered even though they should be as having a face to the wind direction. The logic used to identify panels has been updated and this issue has been addressed. 1405404 - The steel design dialog has been slightly modified to help better display the available design codes such that now versions of a code appear as a group from which the required one can be selected rather than being all in one long list. 1425267 - The method used to process Chinese wind loads associated with a primary load case that includes additional non-wind loading items has been updated to prevent the wind load from being duplicated when the load case is edited. 1437910 - The dialog that allows loading to be assigned onto the face of a solid entity has been updated to better reflect the methods available in the engine, i.e. a single value representing a constant pressure or for variable loads allowing 3 or 4 values to be defined. 1487617 - The routine used by the program to modify specifications assigned to plate entities has been updated to catch a situation which would cause the application to crash if editing a plate that has releases assigned and the release is deleted. 1510996 - The Steel Design layout dialog that provides a method to define the group operation following a design selection using the SELECT or SELECT OPTIMSE commands has been updated to ensure that the contents of the property sheet are properly initialised with suitable values. Additionally, if this command is edited, the dialog is initialised with the values from the defined command. 1515055 - One of the methods that can be used to assign a command to a collection of objects is by defining the collection in a group as defined in the help topic TR.16.1 Listing of Entities by Specifying Groups. Whilst not directly supported in the standard GUI, this method can be used when creating commands in the Editor. Typically this would mean using one group definition with any given command, however if multiple groups are assigned to a command, the complete list of all objects from all groups assigned would be considered by the command. However, when processing the command lines, the GUI would only retain the last referenced group assigned to a MATERIAL such that if the file is resaved, then assignment of the other groups would be removed. Note that if during a session in the GUI an item is either added or removed from a command that is defined with a group specification, then the group itself would be converted to a simple list. 1520615 - The Connection Tag check routine that performs the capacity checks using the specified limits in the CconnectionTagFile.XML file has been updated to correct an issue in converting values when the current BASE UNIT and unit defined in the XML file are different. 1522377 - The routine that is used to display a table with the key data values associated with section properties using a button in the Properties dialog box has been updated to ensure that if an angle profile is defined and specified with a STAR arrangement option, then the values associated with this profile and option are displayed. Previously the placeholder rows were included, but no values displayed. 1523281 - The routine that edits code based wind load definitions to ASCE 7 codes has been updated to ensure that the basic wind speed unit is set as per the saved definition rather than being reset back to 'mph'. 1579491 - The GUI save routine has been update to ensure that when Z UP wind load definitions are included and a range has been defined, they are saved with the correct direction vector.
Documentation and Printing: (12)
1074625 - The help topic D5.D.12 German National Annex to EC3 has been updated to clarify the reference document as DIN EN 1993-1-1/NA:2010-12. 1164944 - The User Reports workflow has been extended to now support the option to export a report using a CSV file format. 1244243 - The section 'Limitations on the use of standard Database Profiles' in help topic Standard Profile Database Wizard has been updated to include the Advanced Concrete Design workflow. 1341079 - The user report created from a Chinese Steel Design has been updated with the current Bentley brand logo. 1415486 - The help topic TR.32.12.2 Generation of Seismic Loads has been updated to clarify the impact that the optional parameter ACC will have on the loading generated by the seismic load command. 1437053 - The Modelling section of the user documentation is now available in Chinese. 1444152 - The methods to customise tables in the User Report tool which were only available as a right click function in the Report Builder, are now provided in the ribbon. 1469750 - The documents produced from the User Report Workflow have been enhanced with the inclusion of a physical member loads (PMEMBER) when the Beam Loads item is included in the report. 1484086 - The OpenSTAAD documentation has been updated to include details of four functions that were provided for creating and accessing support definitions, but were not documented. These were, CreateSupportFixedBut(), CreateInclinedSupport(), GetSupportInformation() and GetSupportInformationEx() 1505962 - The method used in the User Reports workflow that previously limited this workflow to only operate with models stored on the local machine has been removed. That means the User Report Workflow can now be used with models that are hosted by servers across the network. 1527089 - The description provided for UPT General and Prismatic profiles has been updated to clarify the meanings of the parameters in the Y and Z axes which is important when geometric and principal axes do not align. 1530058 - The user documentation for the OpenSTAAD function CreateMemberRelease() has been updated to clarify the meaning of the return value which is the value of the specification number id.
Generic GUI Updates: (22)
674184 - A new standard database has been added for profiles published by the Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) 1392933 - The legacy Brazilian steel database has been updated to correct the details of section modulus of welded I shapes. 1425778 - The method used to process standard databases in the GUI has been reconfigured in order to provide a more performant process to display the program configuration dialog. 1427084 - An internal routine that is used to process forces at a location on a plate as used in the cutline tool, has been updated to address an issue in which the tolerances would prevent the routine form obtaining valid results. 1457558 - The Loading sheet that is displayed in the Member Properties dialog (also known as the Member Query dialog) has been updated to ensure that it handles members that have been defined but do nt have any load assigned. 1461150 - The option to convert all Access Database files that were used in 32 bit versions of STAAD.Pro is no longer supported and this functionality has been removed from the Section Database Manager. 1468621 - The US AISC database of profiles has been updated to the v16.0 published properties. 1487950 - The standard databases for US and Indian profiles have been updated to reflect data from published source documents. 1515011 - The details of IX, ZZ, ZY and CT provided in the standard Chinese Steel database have been updated. 1523447 - The file processing routine used with the 'Save As' operation has been initiated has been updated to catch if the filename is specified with invalid characters. Previously, without this catch, the processing routine would fail and cause the program to crash. 1523819 - The internal routine used to delete reference load cases from a primary load case such that it no longer contains any loading, has been updated to ensure that the primary load case is deleted and subsequent primary load case creation routines do not end up duplicating this load case. 1525744 - The method provided in the start screen that allows files to be cleared from the most recent list (MRU) has been updated to provide two methods. One can be used to remove those that are no longer in the location where they were used from (shown as missing) and a second to clear all files from the MRU. 1529276 - The options provided in the configuration 'Set Structure Colors', also known as the Color Manager has been updated to remove unused options 'Group and Member. 1542849 - The internal routine used to create wind loadings from the physical model has been updated to ensure that the appropriate direction vector is created in the analytical model. 1543462 - When the GUI is set to use the Chinese language, the font used to display text on the Member Properties dialog (also known as the Member Query dialog) has been updated to ensure that data such as the member length is clearly discernible. 1547904 - The internal routine used by the Physical Modeler to generate the analytical model has been updated to better determine the local axis of a physical member which also has end offsets assigned. 1550346 - A new standard steel database has been provided that contains the profiles as published by TATA Structura. Note this is an updated version of the profiles included in the legacy database 1556281 - The application Configuration dialog has been updated with a guidance note to explain the significance of 'Joint Coordinate Significant Figures' which has been known to be confused as the decimal places. 1557279 - A minor modification has been introduced to manage the main application window display to prevent situations where the application window would be partially truncated. 1572162 - The bending capacity determination for Class 3 or 4 members with singly symmetric/asymmetric sections to the Canadian steel code CSA S16-19 previously used a lower section modulus irrespective of the compression fiber location. This led to overly conservative designs. The issue has been corrected to ensure accurate results that comply with the code requirements. 1573594 - The table "Channel Rectangle with Lips" in the new standard Indian cold formed steel database of "India Cold Formed (IS 2023).db3" has been updated to remove a blank line. 1579631 - The RHS table in the UK standard database has been updated to correct the unit of torsional inertia I-11 which was set as mm4 instead of cm4 which resulted in underestimating the torsional stiffness of these profiles.
Interoperability: (1)
1480551 - The STAAD.Pro installation has been updated with the latest iTwin Services component, which includes a number of changes to address potential security vulnerabilities.
OpenSTAAD: (5)
1395531 - The function AddNotionalLoad() has been updated to correct an issue when being called on models that included only primary load cases and no reference load cases. This issue would result in the notional load case being created using the primary load cases as both primary and reference cases. 1491569 - A collection of new OpenSTAAD Application object have been added into the API to allow access to the envelope commands in the program. These include GetEnvelopeCount: Returns the number of Envelopes defined. GetLoadEnvelopeDetails: Gets the number of Load case count in Envelope and Type of Envelope. GetLoadListfromLoadEnvelope: Returns the list of load cases defined in Envelope. and GetEnvelopeIDs: Gets the IDs for Envelope in file. 1495941 - The OpenSTAAD function which can be used to remove a named profile from a user provided table, UPT, RemovePropertyFromUPTTable(TableRef, SectionName) has been updated to address an issue which prevented the function form operating 1517233 - The methods used in the OpenSTAAD functions AssignPlateThickness() and AssignMaterialToPlate() to assign these commands to the model has been refactored to improve the performance and reduce unnecessary internal recursion. 1529718 - The OpenSTAAD function RemoveSupportFromNode() has been updated to ensure that although it was appearing to remove the support, this action was not being committed and thus not be removed if the file was then saved. This has now been addressed.
Other Workflows: (19)
1390238 - The Steel Design Workflow has been updated to utilize the RAM Connection 2024 (minor 1) dlls). Additionally, the module has been updated to support models configured with the Z vertical system. 1479232 - The GB50017 steel design routine used for members defined as TRUSS in the Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to only account for the seismic reduction factor if specifically set. Previously this reduction factor was always being used resulting in over conservative designs when the reduction factor was not required. 1479249 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to correct an issue when multiple taper members are designed together. The program was using the properties of the first profile for all taper members. This is a noticeable issue when the taper members in the design collection have different profiles. 1479264 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated to include an option to create a table that displays members which match the parameters specified on a selected member. 1479272 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to remove support for *.GSR data files created in the older application SSDD as these are not compatible with the current solution. 1479275 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow has been updated to allow multiple deign parameter sets to be selected simultaneously. 1479280 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow spreadsheet DesignParameter.XLSX has been updated to include additional help documentation associated with the cold formed design GB50018 and Performance Design parameters. 1493953 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to ensure that if a connection is defined and then edited in the connection pad such that a cutback on the beam is specified (which is not part of the STAAAD model), this value is saved in the connection details. That means if the connection pad is reopened, the cutback definition will be retained. 1508869 - The Chinese Steel Design workflow has been updated such that the ratio displayed on the model can be chosen from Max Ratio, Strength, Stability, Displacement or Construction 1527384 - The Chinese Steel Design Workflow design routine has been updated to collate all design messages into a single message box which is displayed without needing to click on a Done button first. 1539581 - The design routines provided in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow have been updated to improve the detection of the effective lengths of members by identifying the locations of releases which previously would only check at one end of the member which could result in over estimating the effective length if their was a release at the member start. 1546219 - The member designs performed in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow have been updated to handle members that have been defined as taper profiles which would previously cause the application to crash. 1553356 - The routine used in the Chinese Steel Design Workflow to save data defined in a parameter dialog has been updated to address an issue which would occur when the interface was set to Chinese in that if a parameter set was edited, the values would be reset to the default values. This issue has been addressed and the defined values are now reloaded. 1555298 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to catch a condition that would cause the program to crash when attempting to swap the members assigned as beam/girder. 1558056 - The properties of bolts used with the Steel Connection Design Workflow when set to a Chinese language interface has been updated to match those when used with other language interfaces. 1558763 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to correct an issue when designing steel baseplates bending about both axes which would cause the application to crash when the report is generated. 1559800 - The routine used to design braces in the horizontal brace connection template (HBBB) in the Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to correct the angle of the brace which was being measure d as the angle from the main beam rather than perpendicular to it. 1559823 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to include MEP Knee BCF Smart templates for AISC codes. 1560332 - The Steel Connection Design Workflow has been updated to better handle models which use double angle members as well as profiles defined from the newer standard databases..
Physical Model Workflow: (3)
1520230 - The routine that validates the data for the definition of a wind load case in the Physical Model workflow has been updated to correct an issue which was preventing the load factor to assigned with a factor of <1.0 instead of the intended limiting it to being a positive value. 1566340 - The routine used to check the model for overlapping objects has been refactored to significantly improve the performance of the check. 1566691 - The routine that the Physical Modeller uses to determine the beta angle on members that have taper segments has been updated to improve the beta angles assigned to the analytical members.
Post Processing Workflow: (4)
1481540 - The Design Results sheet of the Structure Diagrams dialog which allows for the display of design results to be shown on the main graphic window has been updated to provide a method to select a range of values to be displayed rather than the entire results set. 1485731 - The Member Properties dialog (also known as the Member Query dialog) has been updated to support the display of steel design results for AISC 360-16 and 22 code checks when the check is performed for serviceability rather than strength. 1522168 - The routine that processes IS800:2007 LSD design data to display it in the Steel Design sheet of the Member Properties dialog (also known as the Member Query dialog) has been updated to ensure that values that are small are not truncated. 1546707 - The list of design result blocks displayed in the ribbon when multiple designs have been performed to AISC 360-16 or 22, i.e. using multiple CHECK CODE, SELECT or SELECT OPTIMZE commands, has ben updated to display the list in a more meaningful order rather than being sorted as text.
The Editor, Viewer and Other Modules: (7)
562679 - A few minor updates have been applied to the Section Database Manager to provide a better user experience. 1336648 - The Shape Editor has been extended to support multiple materials. This means that profiles can now be defined with different materials and the plastic properties account for the yield strength of each part. 1392184 - A new installation has been produced for QA&R subscribers that contains the validation model and results data set which is designed to work in conjunction with the capability provided when STAAD.Pro has been licensed with the 'STAAD Nuclear' QA&R license. 1459120 - This build has been produced to be suitable for use with QA&R subscribers. 1527003 - The routine used to export a profile from Shape Editor to a UPT file has been updated to ensure that the section properties that are exported are those calculated about the principal axes of the profile rather than the geometric axes. Note that this is required as local axes in a STAAD.Pro model represent the principal axes of the profile. 1532651 - The routine used in the new Shape Editor module to import CON and CNS files created in Section Wizard has been updated to better handle these file formats. Note that this addresses an issue previously documented as a Known Issue thus- Profiles saved from the Freesketch module of Section Wizard in the CNS format and imported into Shape Editor can have the plastic properties Sx, Sy, S1 and S2 over estimated. Shapes should be saved in Section Wizard using the CON format. 1554240 - The method used to import built up SEC profiles defined in Section Wizard into the new Shape Editor application has been updated to better handle any parts that have been assigned a rotation angle in Section Wizard. 本部分内容设定了隐藏,需要回复后才能看到