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[行业软件]Cadence OrCAD X Design Platform 2024 (24.10.003) [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2024-09-24 14:42:54

Cadence OrCAD X Design Platform 2024 (24.10.003) | 10.3 Gb

Cadence Design Systems, Inc. has released Cadence OrCAD X Design Platform 2024 (24.10.002) . This release includes fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

Fixed CCRs: SPB 24.1 HF002 - Date: 01-31-2025

CCRID Product ProductLevel2 Title
3019453 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS 3D X Canvas does not show step models
3041045 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Clarity 3Dcomponent enablement in Allegro 3DCanvas
3042481 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Different appearance of step model in 3D Canvas and 3DX Canvas
3054190 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Features are not responsive in 3DX Mapper
3058545 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS Mechanical holes are not visible in 3DX Canvas
3087676 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS The secondary drills in the drill padstacks are not visible in 3D Canvas in release 24.1 HotFix 001
3089353 ALLEGROX 3D_CANVAS XNet does not highlight in 3DX Canvas when selected on board
2879901 ALLEGROX CROSS_SECTION Cannot delete rows within Material Editor
2921174 ALLEGROX CROSS_SECTION Not able to delete row in material Editor > Dielectric Model
2867590 ALLEGROX DATABASE UNDO option with axlcmdregister does not work if the SKILL file is loaded from ilinit
2874050 ALLEGROX DATABASE axlDeleteByLayer crashes board constantly
2895078 ALLEGROX DATABASE Undo not possible when SKILL script is loaded by allegro.ilinit but is possible when loaded directly in PCB Editor
2961055 ALLEGROX DFA After migrated to new DFA table, Package_Height_Min did not act correctly.
3007598 ALLEGROX DFA Have height-related properties be compatible with DFA table on intentionally co-located footprints.
3027139 ALLEGROX DFA How to handle DFA Spacing Constraints when components are placed under other components?
3075048 ALLEGROX DFA DRC fails to flag DFA violations & the DFA bubble does not appear for symbols with uniquely-shaped polygons as DFA_BOUND
2954816 ALLEGROX DFM Minimum shape width(positive) incorrect DRC
3030674 ALLEGROX DFM DesignTrue DFM core checks 'cutout to mechanical pin' is not flagging DRC for the OrCAD X licenses including Presto
3050271 ALLEGROX DFM axlExportDFA2DPkg2PkgCsets API not exporting correct DFA output
3055611 ALLEGROX DFM Design crashes on move of placement module as well as on running other commands
2946356 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR Topology Template verify fails due to Dynamic Tapered Traces
2981347 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR When Layer rule not specified through 'Referenced Electrical CSet', constraint value is missing in show element report
3036928 ALLEGROX DRC_CONSTR Program shut suddenly on running high-voltage creepage constraints, so DRC updates not possible
2994497 ALLEGROX EDIT_ETCH With pad suppression on, Cline Slide not observing the correct line to hole spacing for vias. Slide Hug mode.
3048678 ALLEGROX EDIT_ETCH Vision Manager not displaying all uncoupled differential pair segments
2766905 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Auto Rename RefDes string search
3016600 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Via Structure slides apart when locked
3027897 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Unknown areas in Color Dialog-Visibility pane tab need to be labeled and documented
3032603 ALLEGROX INTERACTIV Auto Rename RefDes not renaming Alphanumeric Refdes
2919127 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Power Feasibility Editor does not show results with standalone Sigrity Aurora license
2971104 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA reference plane/Virtual Ground after Top or Bottom layers for Coplanar analysis in Aurora
3064726 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Clarity on license required for Aurora Power Feasibility Editor
3073585 ALLEGROX IN_DESIGN_ANA Analyze - Workflow Manager menu is missing when PCB Editor is started with OrCAD X Professional license
3053015 ALLEGROX IPC Some traces on negative ground layer are not showing up in the filled areas for the IPC-2581 output.
2987529 ALLEGROX LICENSING Cannot launch Aurora with the token licenses
3028747 ALLEGROX LICENSING Aurora not getting invoked with tokens
3050697 ALLEGROX MCAD_COLLAB TDP tails are included in exported IDX files
3049490 ALLEGROX MULTI_USER Symphony rejection when routing differential pairs and moving components with differential pair pins
3049572 ALLEGROX MULTI_USER Symphony server auto-save functionality stops working after pausing and resuming session
3052400 ALLEGROX MULTI_USER Symphony Rejection when routing Diff Pairs and moving components with Diff Pair Pins
2976235 ALLEGROX ODB ODB++ Import in OrCAD branded licenses
2993646 ALLEGROX ODB Import ODB++ does not appear in the menu in OrCAD PCB.
2876100 ALLEGROX OTHER In release 22.1, when highlighting a component in PCB Editor, the part is not selected in OrCAD Capture.
2882872 ALLEGROX OTHER X PROBING not working in one direction during symbol color assignment in PCB Editor 22.1 back to OrCAD Capture CIS
2952973 ALLEGROX OTHER Cross-probing from PCB Editor (Display - Assign Color -Select a Symbol/Net) not highlighting the object in Capture CIS
2978621 ALLEGROX OTHER Cannot cross-probe between DE-HDL schematic and layout editor for the attached board
2994047 ALLEGROX OTHER Cross-probing from PCB Editor to OrCAD Capture does not work when assigning color to symbols in PCB Editor
3030671 ALLEGROX OTHER Cross-probing is not working when using Color Assignment
3033609 ALLEGROX PLOTTING Drawing origin circle is missing in the plot.
3044547 ALLEGROX PLOTTING Text search problem in PDF when values of nonVectorTextFontWidth and nonVectorTextFontHeight arguments are different
3038781 ALLEGROX RAVEL_CHECKS Floating point inaccuracy in Ravel calculations
2745684 ALLEGROX SHAPE Dyn_shape_void_cline_region doubles oversize value for the shape to cline spacing
2977099 ALLEGROX SHAPE Clearance oversize for cline to shape voiding 2x when DYN_SHAPE_VOID_CLINE_REGION property is set
2977454 ALLEGROX SHAPE Enabling shape_void_cline_region user preference causes double oversize value of shape parameters
3024339 ALLEGROX SKILL How to Extract Cross-section Drill Direction Information
2664417 ALLEGROX ZONES Report if mapping a zone disconnects anything
3072994 APD 3D_CANVAS Not able to view Pillars in 3DX
3101931 APD DAISY_CHAIN Daisy Chain Generator causes a database crash
3067622 APD DATABASE Slow performance when refreshing modules
2989390 APD DEGASSING Degass_no_void property enhancement
2909846 APD DFA Script does not complete in release 22.1
3019305 APD EDIT_SHAPE Dynamic shape issue for shape pattern exceeds the shape boundary
2978081 APD EXPORT_DATA APD does not generate pin length or pin delay report for a design.
3042671 APD IMPORT_DATA Error when importing D.I.E. file into APD
3086862 APD IMPORT_DATA netrev failing in apd for 23+ rev of dehdl front to back flow
3099077 APD IMPORT_DATA Unable to Import Logic/Netlist from DEHDL 24.1-P001 into APD 24.1-P001.
2913209 APD INTERACTIVE Copying shapes doesn't inherent net on all layers
3046692 APD LOGIC RefDes not correctly incrementing after Logic - Edit Part Lists - Physical Devices
2971178 APD MODULES Create module must be able to include layer-based degassing parameters
3027242 APD MODULES Allegro Speedtail Save Cutting to Module crash
3054264 APD MODULES Creating IDA cutting-based module crashes APD
3080411 APD MODULES layer based degas parameters don't transfer to module
3052902 APD PLACEMENT Layout editor stops responding when trying to create a replicate module
2909059 APD REPORTS Conductor length report and Constraint manger value issue
3051222 APD STREAM_IF streamout gds: Long runtime issue and streamout settings
2976253 APD SYMB_EDIT_APP symbol edit –> change attributes remains once changed for <Match Pin Number>
2981662 APD SYMB_EDIT_APP Compensation for Thermal Expansion (CTE) slowness
3043239 APD THIEVING Using IDAcutting flow to create module where AREFs need to be kept within cut, but it creates voids and huge mdd file
3023090 APD WLP Import Techfile: Unsupported type for DENSITY rule
3025376 APD WLP WLP: Top cell name doesn’t change in CDL netlist
3034792 APD WLP API for parsing package integrity check design-level property
3036198 APD WLP Tech file re-import reduces the Reference Geometry entries; the layers reduced from 32 to 20
3039337 APD WLP There are overlaps between ASR shielding shapes and PG generator flood shapes
3043319 APD WLP Silicon layout edge connector not properly creating edge pins for clines that meander around edges
3044370 APD WLP Shape cover auto fixer
3066659 APD WLP Incorrect advanced fillet when create external DRC marker is disabled
3066668 APD WLP Translate region-based degas parameters for techfile parser
3069147 APD WLP Advanced fillet get option API fails to load parameter correctly
3070263 APD WLP False alarm advanced fillet DRC if the line width is larger than the maximum line width
3071228 APD WLP Update techfile schema to support new spacing boundary syntax
3054541 CAPTURE CORRUPT_DESIG The attached design crashes when trying to save it after adding a new hierarchical port
3067589 CAPTURE CROSSREF Cross-probing update causing OrCAD X Capture crash
3067618 CAPTURE CROSSREF 'Encountered an Improper Argument' error when cross-probing schematic design
3071338 CAPTURE CROSSREF 'Encountered an Improper Argument' error when cross-probing
3072878 CAPTURE CROSSREF 'Encountered an Improper Argument' error when cross-probing
3072938 CAPTURE CROSSREF 'Encountered an Improper Argument' error when cross-probing
3077059 CAPTURE CROSSREF When cross-probing in release 23.1 HotFix 007 with the XProbe window, OrCAD X Capture crashes
3079491 CAPTURE CROSSREF On cross-probing, OrCAD X Capture stops responding then crashes
3080324 CAPTURE CROSSREF The application crashes while cross-probing
3084054 CAPTURE CROSSREF OrCAD Capture crashes due to cross-probing; works fine when cross-probing is deactivated in release 23.1 HotFix 07
3087340 CAPTURE CROSSREF The tool crashes while cross-probing with multiple components selected
3094110 CAPTURE CROSSREF Capture quits unexpectedly during cross-probing with PCB Editor in release 23.1 HotFix 007
3099020 CAPTURE CROSSREF Capture Crashes while Cross-Probing
2964700 CAPTURE LIVEBOM Japanese characters are garbled on the LiveBOM Configuration screen
2848061 CAPTURE PART_EDITOR Unable to add graphical objects or symbols inside hierarchical blocks
2864559 CAPTURE PART_EDITOR OrCAD Capture crashes when placing graphical object inside a hierarchical block during Edit Part
2867942 CAPTURE PART_EDITOR Unable to add graphical objects or symbols inside hierarchical blocks
2932858 CAPTURE PART_EDITOR Ability requested to edit hierarchical blocks in releases 22.1 and 23.1
3064854 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries disappear when zooming-in on first schematic page
3064855 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries disappear when zooming-in on first schematic page
3073696 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries connectivity vanishes for designs when performing zoom in operation
3081640 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries vanishes for designs when performing zoom in
3089479 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries disappear when zooming in
3089487 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entries disappear when zooming in
3096668 CAPTURE SCHEMATIC_EDI Bus entry wires disappear when zooming in Capture
2909733 CONSTRAINT_MGR INTERACTIV Running RAVEL check is taking more than one hour while using Pulse in APD
3034162 CONSTRAINT_MGR SYSCAP Cant assign variant for block 'digital_fdd'
3051651 CONSTRAINT_MGR SYSCAP System Capture prompts users to save even when no changes have been made to the project
3058782 CONSTRAINT_MGR SYSCAP Closing the project prompts users to save although no changes have been made
3046049 CONSTRAINT_MGR TOPOLOGY Electrical CSet Topology mapping should be influenced by passive devices values, without the need of applying ECSet Tags
2934698 F2B DESIGNVARI In release 22.1 HotFix 008, DE-HDL is unable to save variant custom values to a previous value
2994306 LIVEDOC EXPORT LiveDoc multiple line text print PDF issue
3074959 OPTIMALITY TOPXP SystemSI CA optimization
3069036 ORCADX 3D_CANVAS Solder paste slider not making changes in OrCAD X Presto
2985326 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Adding Pin array does not support values less than 1 for the pin pitch
2986754 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Add pin in Presto does not support decimal points
3010482 ORCADX FOOTPRINT From PCB Editor Edit>Footprint cannot open the dra file due to specific psmpath exception plus poor recovery
3057892 ORCADX FOOTPRINT Placement of pin arrays in OrCAD X Presto 24.1 does not consider decimal values for pitch
2954881 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Drill chart layer NC_Legend enabled after running Export to Manufacturing outputs
2964388 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Need a method to change the NC drill format
3046500 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Exporting manufacturing output drill table is not completely deleted and drill symbol view should be switched off
3046587 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Artwork is not created when LiveDoc and Artwork are output more than once
3081599 ORCADX MANUFACTURING Export ODB++ data not working in release 24.1 HotFix 001
2964317 ORCADX OTHER OrCAD X Presto: Path identification problem and impact of spaces in .PAD and .PSM paths
2208051 PCB_LIBRARIAN CORE Cursor gets disassociated from the anchor when moving pins.
3037913 PCB_LIBRARIAN LIBDB_GRAPHIC Add pins form is blank if pin shapes are missing
2842285 PCB_LIBRARIAN OTHER Unable to change pin attributes in PDV 22.1
2988391 PSPICE MISC PSpice crashes when opening dat file in releases 22.1 and 23.1
3003759 PSPICE MISC In releases 22.1 and 23.1, PSpice probe window crashes when a .DAT file is opened from a particular folder
3069265 PSPICE MISC PSpice probe window crashes when loading .dat file
3087341 PSPICE MISC Opening large .dat file causes PSpice to crash
3087359 PSPICE MISC Opening large .dat file caused PSpice to crash
2081562 PSPICE SIMULATOR Simulator should consider only the selected variables under AutoConverge.
2415815 PSPICE SIMULATOR unable to save .dat file outside of dir location for .cir file.
3035095 PSPICE SIMULATOR AutoConverge settings in PSpice resulting in incorrect ORPSIM-15006 error for ITL2
3045112 PSPICE SIMULATOR Export .out and .dat file when using psp_cmd.exe at different location.
3050076 PSPICE TI_CONTRACT PSpiceTI crashes upon running simulation with a design
3025034 PULSE ADHOC Block refresh icon is not displayed on the property panel for the user in System Capture
3039144 PULSE ADHOC Refresh icon not appearing in top-level design when changes are made to block design which is shared at the page level
2993905 PULSE DASHBOARD Ability to add additional Search Filters like Footprint etc to the Design Filter list in the Dashboard/Universal Browser
3055679 PULSE PML_MULTI_EDI 'BPC23_LIB' loading more than 3000 items in View All - Footprints generated an error
3032650 PULSE R2PLM-TC Naming convention for attachments PFM into Teamcenter.
3025310 PULSE R2PLM PTC Windchill Library Synchronization issues. load balancer setup issue
3068420 PULSE R2PLM Variant variables are not resolving correctly in PFM
3051005 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Design Search does not sort the data correctly
3095285 PULSE UNIFIED_SEARC Web Dashboard Unified Search results for "Design" does strange things when sorting by Name.
2992505 PULSE VERSION_ON_SA Cannot open System Capture project when .brd name and System Capture project name are the same
3075970 PULSE VERSION_ON_SA Some design team members cannot open previous versions when the design is opened from Pulse
3085089 PULSE_SERVER USER_MANAGEME Unable to add new user through SSO in release 23.1 HotFix 007
2936943 SYSTEM_CAPTURE ARCHIVER Archive in System Capture doesn’t archive standard folder in the library
3053557 SYSTEM_CAPTURE BOM Selecting the Spreadsheet format in BOMHDL does not automatically update the output file extension to .csv.
2703002 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR Migrating Capture design into System Capture fails; error DESIMP-435 - import of designs with Netgroups is not supported
2889902 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CAPTURE_IMPOR Option to import OrCAD capture design with NetGroups to System Capture
3028195 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Menu for 'Include in XNet' should be enabled only if NO_XNET_CONNECTION
3032226 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA Pin delay imported using incorrect text input creates no errors and tool drops unit
3045094 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA When trying to rename a RefDes (Tp7000) to Test1, System Capture stops responding then crashes
3077666 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CONSTRAINT_MA System Capture crashes while importing block
2983127 SYSTEM_CAPTURE CROSSPROBE System Capture - Part RefDes does not appear
2978894 SYSTEM_CAPTURE DBDOCTOR One of the unconnected pins is not detected by the 'Unconnected Pins' DRC check
3035989 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FIND_REPLACE Find and Modify netname causes some pins to be disconnected
3036008 SYSTEM_CAPTURE FIND_REPLACE System Capture Find and Replace net names cause many pins to be disconnected
3005453 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MENUS_AND_TOO Scaling issue while working with different monitors with different resolution in System Capture
3066080 SYSTEM_CAPTURE MENUS_AND_TOO Issues with creating custom menus in System Capture
3032232 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER Unable to rename physical net name
3047037 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PACKAGER System Capture should not add '_number' suffix for physical netname; this will cause constraint loss for XNets
2956454 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_MANAGEME System Capture add page menu is not available when schematic has only TOC page
3048540 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PAGE_MANAGEME Custom variable cannot be deleted when library is open
3017209 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Part Manager error CGCAN-874. Not able to update parts, even when difference in properties should be auto-updateable.
3068920 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PART_MANAGER Missing RefDes when placing a part copied from a placed part
2963401 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Black theme supported by export pdf
3018370 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT PDF printout is adding newlines to some text fields
3022858 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT After placing and marking wrap text on schematic, text appears different in the generated PDF from the schematic
3035982 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT Printing PDF using a Tcl script causes the application to stop responding
3045243 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashes and fails to generate smart PDF
3090673 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture crashing on PDF printing
3090933 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PRINT System Capture quits unexpectedly when the print setting is black and white
2975170 SYSTEM_CAPTURE PROPERTY_EDIT Vector pin type changed after placing symbol into schematic canvas
2985372 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Managed Reuse block properties are not refreshed/updated in design when reuse block is refreshed
3041013 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Refresh Symbol does not update instantiated blocks on the schematic
3052955 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Symbol update does not reflect in placed instances
3061364 SYSTEM_CAPTURE REPLACE Re-importing a block does not import the additional properties defined on the block symbol
3046464 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SCRIPTING Incorrect violation count for user violations using Tcl script
3023995 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SHORTCUTS Define shortcuts for switching page up or down in System Capture
3039549 SYSTEM_CAPTURE SPECIAL_SYMBO Error message CGCAN-861: Symbol <symbol name> not found in library
3091758 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TDD Deleting connected nets in Managing Primitive Connectivity Window causes system Capture to crash
3092212 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TDD 'Pin Number' field has 'Pin Name' value instead of actual 'Pin Number' in the Manage Primitive Connectivity window
3092252 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TDD Manage Primitive Connectivity window: Assigning net name to pin whose name has angle brackets does not connect the pin
3092333 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TDD Filtering the Pin Number column in Manage Primitive Connectivity window is not working for unconnected pins
3059174 SYSTEM_CAPTURE TOPXP Not able to create more than one match group for a pin pair using the topology workbench.
2938889 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Rescaling issues with dialog box when opened in higher resolution
3025000 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI Windows change size unpredictably when moving between monitors.
3033782 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UI System Capture crashes when running Database Check
2783312 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Need an option in Unified Search to not apply classification-level properties in search results
2845974 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Sourcing Tcl scripts causes a crash in release 17.4 HotFix 036
2976681 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Exact property matches for the search term should show up first in Unified Search
3007597 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Unable to select part from library using find and replace. select component in Find and Replace not working.
3035950 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC Default Locked Search Filter not being maintained in Unified Search within System Capture.
3051613 SYSTEM_CAPTURE UNIFIED_SEARC System Capture crashed when the design was saved in release 23.1 Hotfix 004
2986168 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG How to synchronize schematic with variant
2996740 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Reset to base in hierarchical blocks with variant
3014905 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Issue with cell selection in Variant Editor while performing operations
3023698 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG System Capture - need way to automate Synchronize Schematic after Part Manager update for variants
3046483 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Strange behavior when assigning property value in Define Alternates
3065945 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Variant-specific property is not dynamically reflected in the property columns after specifying it in the property panel
3067571 SYSTEM_CAPTURE VARIANT_MANAG Variant Editor holds the previous information when you delete the variant and recreate it with the same name.
2936568 SYS_RELIABILITY ELEC_STRESS_S Show 'VALUE" parameters in the config UI
3045079 SYS_RELIABILITY POWER_TOPO System Capture crashes when trying to configure Power Topology settings.
2969034 SYS_RELIABILITY SCH_AUDIT_SET Tcl command does not update Schematic Audit Settings
2983869 SYS_RELIABILITY STRESS_ANALYS Can EOS show (in its results window) the number of unrecognized devices in the design?
3046422 SYS_RELIABILITY STRESS_ANALYS Electrical Stress Analysis runs for indefinite time for attached design
2990723 TDA CORE Cannot launch Team Design Authoring with ALGX300
3055648 TOPXP AURORA [IDA-TOPEX] Allegro scripting should wait for topology extraction process to complete
3094476 TOPXP COMPLIANCE_KI PCIE3 Compliance Kit passes for short channel with partial SDD21 in the mask
3022894 TOPXP GUI Need a way to cancel a topology extraction thats in progress
3069310 TOPXP SYSTEMSI To support Spectre X in SystemSI
3038127 TOPXP TCL SystemSI: improve the TCL command for "Use Channel Simulator"
OrCAD X and Allegro X are the latest upgrades from the respective Cadence circuit design software.
OrCAD X is the latest release of the OrCAD design platform, intended to provide designers with a best-in-class and comprehensive PCB design and layout environment with the new OrCAD X Presto PCB Editor. The focus of OrCAD X is to streamline and simplify the usability and customization of tools to keep designers engaged with the board design. The new user interface makes it easy to accelerate printed circuit development .
Allegro X offers additional functionality, but both are extremely capable of meeting the challenges of modern-day printed circuit DFM.
Designers interested in OrCAD X or Allegro X are well served to see how easy and powerful circuit design can be. And just like their predecessors, OrCAD X and Allegro X have the support of Cadence’s PCB Design and Analysis Software for a seamless and thorough dsign process.


Learn about the OrCAD X Platform and see how it's capabilities and easy to use interface help you design fast, correct and connected.
Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware and IP that turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to complete systems for the most dynamic market applications, including hyperscale computing, 5G communications, automotive, mobile, aerospace, consumer, industrial and healthcare. For nine years in a row, Fortune magazine has named Cadence one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For.

Owner: Cadence
Product Name: OrCAD X Design Platform (OrCAD X and Allegro X)
Version: 2024 (24.10.000) with Documentation
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : www.cadence.com
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 10.3 Gb


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精品软件:百度搜闪电软件园  最新软件百度搜:闪电下载吧
有问题联系 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2024-09-24 21:37:09

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2024-09-24 21:52:04
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只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2024-09-24 23:44:07

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2024-09-24 23:53:05
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只看该作者 5 发表于: 2024-09-25 08:23:41
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只看该作者 6 发表于: 2024-09-25 10:00:04

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2024-10-08 08:58:05

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2024-10-20 00:57:09

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2024-12-11 10:32:58