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[硬件资讯]Phun Beta 3.5 发布 - 令人惊讶的物理学科小程序 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2008-03-30 11:31:16
Phun Beta 3.5 发布 - 令人惊讶的物理学科小程序Phun是什么?Phun是Umeå大学的学生Emil Ernerfeld为自己的计算机作业而开发的一个基于物理规律的工具软件. 使用者可以随意而且轻易的创建物体,并给它们之间创建弹簧、链条等联系,重力、摩擦力、弹力、加速度等等,一切都符合物理规律. 这个软件的开发目的是为了让物理教学、研究更直观有效. 看完下文的视频你就能了解它的神奇之处了。 f>JuxX\G  
p.q :vI$J  
Windows ^*C+^l&J!  
Phun beta 3.5 installer - mirror (2.5 MB) - recommended 65VnH=  
Phun beta 3.5 zip archive - mirror (3.0 MB) v*5n$UFV  
Linux sk!v!^\_r  
Phun beta 3.5 for 32-bit Linux, tar.bz2 archive (2.5 MB) ;C%40;Q  
4KE"r F  
Phun beta 3.12 for 64-bit Linux, zip archive (2.5 MB) (thanks to Linde) R2Fh WiL  
MacOS (yE?)s  
Coming soon, I hope (see FAQ) vm)&WEL!  
After a long time, here is another beta. This is a relativly small release, as I have had a lot to do lately (mostly Phun-related things). Enjoy! Q44Pg$jp  
Changelog: \_FX}1Wc2.  
Ctrl-G now groups objects together, and Ctrl-U ungroups them \pZ,gF;y  
When clicking an object in a group, the entire group is now selected (unless ALT is pressed) g^(wZ$NH  
Fixed a major circle-circle collision bug JwbC3 t):@  
Fixed so that gui windows now get on top when dragged / Dj6Bj }  
Fixed so that more scenes can be displayed under File->Load Scene as well as subdirs to Phun/Scenes cD^n}'ej  
Optimized the GUI rendering slightly 7]Y Le+Ds  
Optimized entity rendering by 'frustum' culling DW@PPvfs  
Added separate option controlling an objects collision with water; making things watertight should now be easy (thanks for suggestion, Chad Autry) !8vHN=)z  
Added (three) collision groups; objects in one group will only collide with other objects in the same group ;rpjXP  
Added an options for showing some simple statistics for selected objects (mass, area, velocity, ...) u&`7 C  
F8 now shows the collision points and their counter force and direction (used to be the collision normal) -;'8#"{`^  
Added the ability to turn on and off the drawing of object borders from the options menu (even in the no-shader path) |c,":R  
Added translations (accessible under the file menu). Phun now supports (in Latin1): Català (Catalan), Deutsch (German), English, Espanol (Spanish), Francais (French), Italiano (Italian), Magyar (Hungarian), Nederlands (Dutch), Polski (Polish), Portugues (Portuguese), Romanian, Suomi (Finnish) and Svenska (Swedish). xh[Mmq/R  