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[硬件资讯]Phun Beta 3.5 发布 - 令人惊讶的物理学科小程序 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2008-03-30 11:31:16
Phun Beta 3.5 发布 - 令人惊讶的物理学科小程序Phun是什么?Phun是Umeå大学的学生Emil Ernerfeld为自己的计算机作业而开发的一个基于物理规律的工具软件. 使用者可以随意而且轻易的创建物体,并给它们之间创建弹簧、链条等联系,重力、摩擦力、弹力、加速度等等,一切都符合物理规律. 这个软件的开发目的是为了让物理教学、研究更直观有效. 看完下文的视频你就能了解它的神奇之处了。 "{<X! ^u>  
|bk9< i ?  
Windows S1|5+PPs  
Phun beta 3.5 installer - mirror (2.5 MB) - recommended w!lk&7Q7Z  
Phun beta 3.5 zip archive - mirror (3.0 MB) ?HG[N7=j  
Linux EPE_2a}  
Phun beta 3.5 for 32-bit Linux, tar.bz2 archive (2.5 MB) Nuqmp7C  
Phun beta 3.12 for 64-bit Linux, zip archive (2.5 MB) (thanks to Linde) Y:CX RU6eD  
MacOS =A!oLe$%  
Coming soon, I hope (see FAQ) zk<V0NJIL*  
After a long time, here is another beta. This is a relativly small release, as I have had a lot to do lately (mostly Phun-related things). Enjoy! |GMo"[  
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Changelog: ,h=a+ja8  
Ctrl-G now groups objects together, and Ctrl-U ungroups them B}[CU='P*  
When clicking an object in a group, the entire group is now selected (unless ALT is pressed) a!R*O3  
Fixed a major circle-circle collision bug J0V m&TY  
Fixed so that gui windows now get on top when dragged WIU]>_$.  
Fixed so that more scenes can be displayed under File->Load Scene as well as subdirs to Phun/Scenes 75a3hPCZ  
Optimized the GUI rendering slightly {.Qv1oOa  
Optimized entity rendering by 'frustum' culling [~Ky{:@)[  
Added separate option controlling an objects collision with water; making things watertight should now be easy (thanks for suggestion, Chad Autry) ]R Ah['u|  
Added (three) collision groups; objects in one group will only collide with other objects in the same group pPa]@ z~O  
Added an options for showing some simple statistics for selected objects (mass, area, velocity, ...) LqYyIbsvf  
F8 now shows the collision points and their counter force and direction (used to be the collision normal) *zUK3&n~I  
Added the ability to turn on and off the drawing of object borders from the options menu (even in the no-shader path) }$i"t8"s  
Added translations (accessible under the file menu). Phun now supports (in Latin1): Català (Catalan), Deutsch (German), English, Espanol (Spanish), Francais (French), Italiano (Italian), Magyar (Hungarian), Nederlands (Dutch), Polski (Polish), Portugues (Portuguese), Romanian, Suomi (Finnish) and Svenska (Swedish). WVD48}HF-  